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  1. 12 full issues of Simon Letter delivered to my email inbox—1 per month. Each issue is packed with real-world insider information from people who are actually doing what they teach.

  2. Special Report #1: Residency And Citizenship For Sale…
  3. Special Report #2: Retire Up—How To Protect And Grow Your Wealth (Even In Times Of Economic Meltdown)…

  4. Special Report #3: Multiply Your Purchasing Power With A Self Directed 401(k)…

  5. A $50 gift certificate good for using against enrollment in any of our Live and Invest Overseas conferences. If you are not familiar with our conferences let me tell you—they are the place to be if you want to know all there is to know about a particular country. You'll learn more about the conferences inside Simon Letter.

  6. Access to Offshore Living Letter. This email newsletter is delivered twice weekly and lets me keep your finger on the pulse of exactly what is happening in the offshore investing world.

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Copyright © 2008- Live and Invest Overseas, Founding Publisher Kathleen Peddicord