The World’s Best Health Care…
For A Tiny Fraction The Cost You’re Paying Now
(Plus Health Insurance For US$100 Per Month Or Less)
Dear Live and Invest Overseas Reader,
Health insurance in the United States today is a maddening, sometimes infuriating quagmire.
This isn’t the reality in many, many other places around the world.
I’d like to share a story with you, a story about a friend, Lee, who has been retired outside the United States for nearly 20 years. In all those years living overseas, Lee has had a number of occasions to seek medical care. In one case, he had to have the exact same procedure performed in Cuenca, Ecuador, that he also had performed, at about the same time, in the United States.
I’ll let Lee tell you the story himself…
“My dermatologist in Cuenca is the best I’ve had in my 30-year experience with dermatologists. In fact, even though I have insurance in the United States, I still return to Cuenca (when I can) for his care.
“During a recent visit, I had a small, non-threatening skin cancer removed. The total cost was US$90, which included the operation, office visit, local anesthesia, and supplies. In addition, I paid US$20 for associated lab work, meaning the total bill was US$110.
“By coincidence, I’d had the same thing done the last time I was in Arizona. The total cost there was US$5,190. Even after insurance, my portion was still US$347.11.
“To put this into perspective, it cost 300% more to be insured in the United States than it cost to be uninsured in Ecuador!”
But that’s only part of the story, isn’t it? The cost of the medical care we receive.
The other, in fact more important part of any experience to do with seeking medical care is the quality of the care, right?
We’re concerned about what it costs to keep ourselves healthy and well and to seek medical attention when we need it… but we’re also concerned (more concerned, really) about how we’re treated in the process.
That’s why Lee’s story gets even better…
“Now, here’s the kicker,” Lee continues. “The care I got in Cuenca was noticeably better than the care I’d gotten in the United States—better attention, more personalized, fewer mistakes…
“Further,” Lee adds, “In Ecuador, all the results and records belong to the patient. The doctor delivers them to you, along with any recommendation, and you can do as you please, easily going somewhere else for follow-up or treatment if you like.”
Old-Fashioned Care…
At Old-Fashioned Prices
In many places around the world, it’s possible still to enjoy very personal care, where you, the patient, work in partnership with your doctor to determine the best course of treatment. You’re in control, you’re respected. Further, doctors and other caregivers have time and take time to get to know you personally, to become familiar with your life and your lifestyle.
They’re able to do this for one very, very important reason.
The reason health care is so affordable and also so personal in Ecuador and many, many other places around the world (doctors will sit and chat with you for an hour or longer) is because there’s no pressure in these places from any insurance industry… and no pressure from any pharmaceutical industry either.
Ecuador, specifically Cuenca, is a really great example of health care at its best. Cuenca has recognized the opportunity in this regard, appreciating that many would-be retirees are frustrated, even disgusted with the state of medical care in their home countries and are actively seeking out options. Cuenca is emerging as one of the best.
Specifically, Cuenca is offering city-sponsored programs promoting itself as a “Medical Tourism” destination. The city’s five top hospitals have joined together to offer a package deal. They give the medical tourist an ID card that entitles you to a package of exams and standard prices, at the facility of your choice. You sign up for a bundle of medical services that best suits your needs. Prices range from US$66 to US$401 for the entire suite. Breaking down the individual items that make up the package, here are a few examples:
- Chest X-ray: US$25
- PSA test: US$15
- Cholesterol workup (Cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, and LDL):
- EKG: US$25
- EEG: US$60
- Hearing test: US$15
- Mammogram: US$40
In addition, your medical tourist card entitles you to hotel and travel discounts throughout the city… including for things like hot springs and massages. If you’d like to see the city-while getting a great checkup at a low price-this is a good way to do it… while, at the same time, having an introduction to Cuenca’s health care system.
Even if you don’t sign up for this packaged program, your costs of health care in Cuenca will be very low. A hospital stay in a semi-private room is still just US$30. A private room with an extra bed for family members is US$50, while a private suite is US$75.
What About Nursing Care?
Further, Cuenca is also offering very options for good nursing care.
This can be an important and nagging issue for retirees abroad.
The truth is, not many places around the world offer appealing nursing care choices, but Cuenca does.
One new nursing facility in particular is clean and well run with professional staff and residents who are well-cared-for. A friend recently toured this facility and reported back:
“When I arrived (unannounced), I found a group of perhaps 15 residents enjoying the sun in the interior courtyard, while others were exercising with staff members or visiting family.
“The total cost is US$450 per month, which includes 24-hour doctor and nurse attendance, food, laundry, personal care, and occupational/rehabilitative therapy…”
Cuenca, Ecuador, is one of the best examples of how good and how almost unbelievably affordable health care can be overseas… but it’s hardly the only example.
No Appointment? No Problem…
Another friend, Stephen, has a similar story to Lee’s.
Like Lee, Stephen also had the experience recently of seeking medical care both in the United States (in Texas) and overseas (Thailand) for the same condition.
Here’s how Stephen describes his experiences…
“Let me give you a side-by-side comparison, Texas and Thailand,” Stephen says.
“To start, in Dallas, I couldn’t get an appointment for three months, because I wasn’t a previous patient. In Bangkok, a doctor visit was available within 20 minutes, no appointment required.
“In Dallas, my visit was at a free-standing clinic, with two doctors on duty. In Bangkok, my visit was at a world-class medical hospital.
“In Dallas, my waiting time was almost five hours-3 1/2 in the main waiting room just to see the doctor, then another hour in the examination room. In Bangkok, my wait was 20 minutes (remember, this was without an appointment).
“In Dallas, after I’d seen my doctor, I went to fill my prescription. The first pharmacy told me I’d have to wait an hour. So I drove to a second pharmacy, where I had to wait 30 minutes. Total time, including driving, was 1 1/2 hours.
“In Bangkok, the pharmacy was on-site. My medication was delivered to me 10 minutes after I’d seen the doctor.
“In Dallas, the cost was US$150 for the doctor, US$50 for an ‘extra services’ fee, and US $150 for the medication. In Bangkok, the cost was US$30 for the doctor, US$10 for the ‘clinic fee,’ and US$100 for the medication.
“Bottom line, in Dallas, I spent six hours and US$350 and was frustrated the entire way. In Bangkok, it took less than an hour to achieve the same result. It cost me US$140. And I got fast service… with personal courtesy to boot.”
Lee’s and Stephen’s experiences aren’t isolated instances. They’re just two examples of the current reality. The truth today is that, not only should the idea of seeking medical care overseas not be a cause for concern… but, in our world today, seeking medical care overseas presents a very important opportunity. An opportunity to enjoy superior and more personal care… with less hassle, less waiting… all at a drastically reduced cost.
“Medical Tourism,” as it’s called—seeking out medical care overseas—is the way of the world. The sensible solution. And really, really good news for anyone considering retiring to another country.
Quality Assured
What about the quality of medical care offshore? The Joint Commission International (JCI) uses rigorous U.S.-style standards to evaluate health care facilities worldwide. JCI accreditation has become a recognized benchmark for excellence. The JCI seal of approval allows you to feel totally confident of the quality of the health care at any facility anywhere in the world.
JCI has been accrediting health care organizations since 1999. Since then, over 450 public and private health care organizations in 50 countries have been accredited or certified by JCI. This includes hospitals, clinics, ambulatory care facilities, labs, care services, home care, and long-term care organizations, medical transport organizations, and primary care providers.
Hospital… Or Four-Star Hotel?
“My private room after surgery was meticulously clean and spacious. It had a view of beautiful Pocitos in the heart of Montevideo, Uruguay.
“My bed was dressed in linens to match the custom drapes. My room had a large and comfortable sofa, a color TV, a closet, and a recliner. That night, as I waited to be served my steak dinner, I could hear the sounds of horse-drawn carriages outside my bay window. The soft lights reflected the polished natural teak wood floors. The artwork and Old World architecture were more reminiscent of an Italian villa than a medical facility.
“Most impressive was the care of my personal nurse, Gabriella. As part of my overnight stay, I enjoyed her professional and sensitive care throughout the night.
“The cost of all this, including private room with bath, lunch, dinner, breakfast, and the constant care of an excellent surgical nurse in my room all night? Less than US$200. Needless to say, I have never had a hospital experience like this in the United States…”
-Expat Retiree Maria T. in Uruguay
What About Health Insurance?
The cost and the quality of health care available overseas are one part of this discussion. The other is to do with health insurance.
It is important for you to know that neither Medicare nor whatever other U.S. health insurance you may have likely will cover you beyond U.S. borders. This is unfortunate; some would say it’s downright wrong.
Regardless, it’s the reality.
Again, though, this doesn’t have to be a problem. Again, it can be an opportunity.
Given that your U.S. health insurance probably won’t do you any good once you leave the United States, what are you to do? What are your health insurance options overseas?
Many. Nearly all are more affordable than U.S. health insurance options, and most cost but a fraction as much as comparable U.S. coverage. However, before you begin to consider your options for insuring against your potential medical expenses overseas, I suggest you consider another option first…
Wanna’ Go Naked?
In some places around the world (including in some of the world’s top overseas retirement havens), health care can be so cheap that it can make more sense to pay as you go for it… rather than insuring against it.
We call it “going naked,” and, like everything else to do with health care and health insurance overseas, it’s not nearly as terrifying an idea as it may at first seem.
OK, OK, come on, Kathleen (I can imagine you saying to yourself right now)… no health insurance at all? How could I possibly move to another country without any medical insurance? What would happen if I got really sick? What if I were in an accident?
Reasonable questions. How you answer them is a very personal thing. Only you know your comfort levels, your lifestyle, your retirement budget, and your long-term plan. But allow me to suggest an approach to arriving at answers to those questions.
First, understand that, in some places, the cost of medical care isn’t low…
It’s absurdly low by U.S. standards.
Friends in Thailand report that a visit to their doctor there can cost US$2.
I gave you other examples of medical costs in other countries above-US$30 a night for a hospital stay… US$25 for a chest X-ray…
In Panama City, we pay US$50 for a visit to the doctor… and, if the condition continues and we have to return to the same doctor for a follow-up visit… that’s free. Why would a doctor charge you for having to come back because a problem persists, ours asks. We should only charge for making you better…
US$10 A Pill… Or US$1 A Pill?
It’s not only tests, procedures, hospital stays, doctor’s visits, and dental care that are dramatically less costly outside the United States. It’s prescription medications, too.
Almost all pharmaceutical drugs can be drastically cheaper outside the United States. The U.S. government has granted monopoly pricing protection to the big pharmaceutical companies, which are legally able to charge crazy prices for the exact same drugs available at far less cost overseas.
The bottom line of all this is that health care can be so affordable overseas that you may decide you don’t want to invest in health insurance. At least not formal health insurance. In this case, what we suggest is creating your own health “insurance” plan. This allows you not only to rest easy, knowing that you’ve covered even in case of some catastrophic medical event… but it can actually allow you to come out ahead financially.
The strategy I’m talking about is detailed in full, by friends who have long followed it for their own medical expenses in the three decades they have been retired overseas, in a brand-new, fully revised, greatly expanded, and uniquely comprehensive bundle of resources we’re calling our “Complete Guide To Health Care And Health Insurance Options Overseas.”
Our editors and correspondents have worked for the past four months to research and update all of the information, contacts, and recommendations in this one-of-a-kind program… that includes, again, a detailed discussion of how to go naked in your approach to health care overseas… and come out ahead.
Perhaps You’d Rather Go Local
However, going naked isn’t for everyone. Perhaps you’d rather go local instead.
I should back up to explain. If you decide that you do, in fact, want health insurance to cover your medical expenses in your new life overseas, you have two choices, generally speaking. You can opt for international health insurance… or local coverage. Both are good options, and both, like everything, come with pluses and minuses. Your choice depends on your circumstances, your budget, your physical condition, the country (in fact, the region) where you decide to locate, and, sometimes more than anything, your age.
The good news bottom line is that you could buy all the health coverage you need overseas for as little as US$100 a month… maybe even as little as US$50 a month. I know many, many living and retired in many different places overseas who are doing just that-enjoying the comfort and peace of mind of comprehensive local health insurance for as little as US$50 a month.
Doctor Who??
You should be concerned about the quality of care offshore. It’s vital that you get the best care from top professionals. So, ask yourself: Would you trust this doctor? Take a look at his bio:
Specialist in cancer surgery, general surgery, and gastroenterology. Surgical oncology specialist at South Hampton University Hospital, England.
Advanced laparoscopic surgery for 15 years. Established, successful local surgery practice. Board of Gastroenterology, General Medical Council of England Professional Certificate.
Specialist Degrees and Council Approvals:
1982 General Surgeon – National University
1984 Renal Transplant Specialist – Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
1987 General Surgeon – General Surgery Council
1990 Gastroenterologist Surgeon – Board of Gastroenterology
1992 Laparoscopic surgeon – University National Institute of Nutrition
1996 Oncologist Surgeon – University of Southampton, England, UK
1997 Registered Medical Practitioners – General Medical Council of England
2000 Council of Oncology
Graduate Studies:
1977 – 1979 Residency in Internal Medicine – National Institute of Nutrition
1979 – 1982 General Surgery Residency – National Institute of Nutrition
1982 – 1984 Research Fellow in Surgery – Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA – USA
1992 – 1994 Initial and Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Surgery – USA and England.
1995 – 1997 Registered in Surgical Oncology – Southampton University Hospital, England
A prestigious London surgeon? Maybe a top U.S. doctor now practicing in New York or Houston?
Actually, this is the real bio of a practicing Mexican surgeon based in beautiful Merida, Mexico…
And there are many others just like him, from Mexico to Thailand, from Panama to Malaysia, and from Uruguay to Colombia.
We tell you how to find the best hospitals on earth, in our all-new “Complete Guide To Health Care And Health Insurance Options Overseas.”
Interested In A Little Tuck Or Lift?
How About A Free Vacation In
The Bargain?
In many places around the world, it’s all kinds of medical procedures that can be a bargain… including elective ones… including elective cosmetic ones. As Medical Tourism becomes an ever-more-viable option for health care-seekers worldwide, certain places are investing in becoming highly competitive in this arena, offering world-class services… at bargain prices.
As you know, the cost of cosmetic and elective procedures typically comes directly out of your pocket… so you want the best possible care for the best possible price. How about…
Breast enhancement?
- In Atlanta: US$4,400
- In Uruguay: US$2,000
Tummy tuck?
- In Atlanta: US$4,500 (not including clinic or anesthesia)
- In Uruguay: US$3,000 (including everything)
And keep in mind that prices elsewhere (say in New York, for example) could easily be double than those in Atlanta.
With a face lift available for as little as US$2,500 for a mini and varicose vein treatments costing but US$30 a session, you can expect to save thousands of dollars having these procedures performed in places like Uruguay, rather than in North America or Europe. And you can rest assured that you’d be getting the finest standard of medical care.
In that case, why not combine your surgery with a vacation? And in one of the safest and most beautiful destinations in all South America.
The options and opportunities in this regard are many and appealing. We detail them in full in our “Medical Tourism: From New Hips To Facelifts – Your Guide To The World’s Best Options For Elective And Cosmetic Surgeries,” included as part of the bundle of resources packaged together in our all-new “Complete Guide To Health Care And Health Insurance Options Overseas.”
Your turn-key medical tourism options around the world are many and include many places where you could combine your medical travel with a five-star resort/spa recovery vacation.
Again, it’s all detailed in our new program.
All Your Health Care And Health Insurance Overseas Questions Answered
I mentioned that our correspondents and editors have been working for months to create this all-new comprehensive health care and health insurance overseas program. In fact, that’s not true…
In fact, we’ve been working for years to create this bundle of resources.
For this guide to these all-important topics, we have drawn from decades of personal experience, our own and that of our contacts around the globe. In it, we answer all of your key health care and health insurance questions, including…
Will my current health insurance work when I go overseas?…
What standard of health care can I expect in South America?… In Central America?…
How can I take advantage of Europe’s famously affordable health care system?…
How much does health insurance cost in another country?… What are the options for deductibles…
Am I too old to qualify for an international insurance policy?…
If there’s a public health system, can I qualify to receive its benefits?…
Could I really enjoy free health care living overseas?…
How do I choose wisely from all the different policy options?…
Could going “naked” be the right choice for me?…
How can I go about comparing the different policy options?…
And many, many others…
You would be hard-pressed to try to research all this information by yourself online or long distance. You would have to figure out the right things to ask. And you’d spend endless hours just trying to find reliable sources of information. The truth is, this isn’t easy information to pin down.
To help provide you with as complete and clear a picture as possible of all the questions you need to ask, all the options you should consider, and all the opportunities available to you, we have created our all-new “Complete Guide To Health Care And Health Insurance Options Overseas,” which, in fact, is not one new report, but 11 individual, all-important resources…
Resource #1:
“Top Health Insurance Options for the Expat Abroad” (US$47 value)
This main report covers all your best options for medical insurance abroad (and the pluses and minuses of each type of policy). You’ll get complete information, showing multiple policy choices with the best companies in the industry.
This cornerstone resource addresses important questions, such as:
- How to choose the policy that best suits your specific needs…
- What your health policy should cover-and what it likely won’t…
- Policy details, including what’s covered at what cost, and recommended contacts…
- What to do if you have pre-existing conditions…
- What to do if you’re older than the cut-off age for new policy-holders…
- How to choose the right deductible for you…
- Pricing details for insurance plans in 20 different overseas retirement havens…
- The very best international health insurance policies available today…
- Your three main choices in types of insurance…
- Countries where health insurance is required-and where it’s not…
- When (and why!) you should keep your existing coverage in place (don’t miss this)…
- A powerful secret you must know about buying insurance online (and the all-important question that will keep you from making this common mistake)…
- How to marry your Medicare coverage with your new coverage overseas…
- The differences between public and private health care systems (would public care, often available at very little cost, even free, make sense for you in the country where you’re considering retiring?)…
- The fundamental decision you must make when planning for your medical care in a new country…
- Your six options for medical insurance abroad (and the pluses and minuses of each)…
- The points to consider when trying to choose a policy that suits your specific needs…
- Why you should never buy insurance online (at least not until you’ve confirmed the answer to this all-important question)…
- What your health policy should cover… and what it likely won’t…
- How to choose among policy options…
- How much deductible makes sense given where you’ll be living and your personal health circumstances…
- Cost details for sample insurance plans in 20 different overseas retirement havens…
- What to do if you’re over age 63 (the cut-off age for starting a plan in many countries)…
- The best international health and travel insurance policies on the market today…
With this report in hand, you’ll have the confidence that you’re selecting a plan that meets all your needs. And you’ll be able to avoid the common pitfalls that lay out there for the uninformed.
Resource #2:
“The World’s Top 21 Overseas Havens For Health Care And Insurance—Health And Medical Care Choices In The World’s Top Overseas Havens” (US$49 value)
Of course, your options for arranging health insurance in whatever new country of residence you choose—as detailed in our “Top Health Insurance Options for the Expat Abroad”—are just one side of the story. What about the in-country facilities in the place where you’re considering spending time?
That important question is the reason we’ve created a second special report called “Health and Medical Care in the World’s Top 21 Overseas Havens.”
Frankly, the research for this country-by-country resource became a much bigger project than we expected it would be. Our goal in setting out to prepare this special report was to make it as straightforward as possible for you to compare your best options one country to another. We discovered, though, that, even with our in-country resources and contacts, this is not easily accomplished. It’s no simple thing to compile consistent data.
Some countries offer a dozen or more local insurance options. Some offer a handful. The information available on the Internet is incomplete or out-of-date in most cases. This confusion is compounded by the fact that these are “local” operations, meaning the staff for any in-country insurance agency you might try to contact for more information in advance of your retirement move may or may not speak English and may not see your long-distance inquiry as a priority.
In other words, attempt this on your own, and you must prepare yourself for a challenging, frustrating, and lengthy experience.
The good news is that there’s no reason for you to put yourself through all that. We’ve done all the hard work and have identified for you the best options country by country.
For each of the 21 featured countries, the hot-off-the-virtual-presses all-new edition of this special report covers:
The standard of local medical care and availability of hospitals, clinics, etc. (This may affect which country you eventually choose… and even where you settle down within that country.)…
Top local health insurance policy options, based on recommendations from in-country correspondents…
Policy details, including what’s covered at what cost, and recommended contacts…
What to do if you have pre-existing conditions…
What to do if you’re older than the cut-off age for new policy-holders…
Key differences you must understand between public and private health care systems (could public care, often available at little cost, even free, work for you in the country you’re considering?)…
The one crucial decision you must make while planning for your medical care in a new country…
And much, much more…
Some countries offer a dozen (or more) local insurance options. Some offer just a handful. And be assured the information you might find on the Internet is incomplete… or even completely out-of-date in many cases. Then the confusion is compounded by the fact that these are all “local” operations.
It’s vital for you to know the up-to-date current info about your best options country by country-things change all the time. That’s why we’ve just released this all-new, greatly expanded, and completely updated edition of this country-specific guide.
With it in hand, you can easily compare your best options… right down the list, one country to another. If health care is at the top of your list of criteria, you must have this information.
Resource #3:
“Medical Tourism: From New Hips To Facelifts – Your Guide To The World’s Best Prices For Elective And Cosmetic Surgeries” (US$28 value)
Medical tourism is one of the fastest-growing tourism industries in the world right now. Countries in Latin America, Asia, and Europe are competing to offer advanced treatments and procedures, often performed by American-trained doctors and specialists using state-of-the-art equipment, for a fraction the cost you’d pay in the United States.
These countries know that medical costs in the United States are spiraling out of control. They are able to offer seriously competitive alternatives at sometimes unbelievably low prices… and they want your business.
Furthermore it’s not just cosmetic surgery on offer. Alternatives for dental care, hernia repair, cataract and Lasik surgery, knee and hip replacements, and diagnostic tests in key countries around the world are quickly becoming as prevalent and as appealing as options for facelifts, breast augmentations, weight loss surgery, and other cosmetic procedures.
Where are the best deals? That is, where can you go for the lowest costs, the highest standards, and the best doctors? What about these “surgery vacations,” where you stay abroad for a week or two, allowing for plenty of time to relax and recover at the beach after your procedure? Tell your friends you’re going for a well-deserved holiday at the beach and return home two weeks later a seriously new you.
We cover all these options and opportunities in our brand-new report, “Medical Tourism: From New Hips To Facelifts – Your Guide To The World’s Best Prices For Elective And Cosmetic Surgeries.”
Resource #4:
“Health Insurance After Age 74-Your Best Options Explained” (US$14 value)
One important potential caveat for the would-be retiree overseas shopping for local or international health insurance has to do with age. As with life insurance, if you’re 75 years old or older your options for qualifying for a new health insurance plan overseas, or anywhere for that matter, are severely limited.
But fret not… we have you covered. Your options are more limited than if you were younger, but you do have options.
Options for qualifying for and affording health care and health insurance past the age of 74 are covered in our brand-new report, “Health Insurance After Age 74 – Your Best Options Explained.”
In this report, included as part of our new “Complete Guide To Health Care And Health Insurance Options Overseas,” we identify four practical, cost-effective, and viable options for your health insurance needs after age 74. This is must-read material if you or a loved one is at this stage of life.
Resource #5:
“Getting To The Root Of Good Dentistry Overseas” (US$28 value)
Considering the research showing the overall health benefits of good dental care, you should make dental care a priority in your life—no matter your age.
Particularly, though, good dental care becomes more important the older we become… it’s vital to overall health in seniors, and there is a connection between poor oral health and life-threatening diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
According to a study at West Virginia University, good dentistry may even help keep your memory intact. The National Institute of Health awarded a US$1.2 million grant to build on studies linking gum disease and mild-to-moderate memory loss in seniors. There is also evidence to suggest that patients with rheumatoid arthritis can reduce swelling in their joints as well as morning stiffness by maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
For first-timers, dental tourism is often the first toe in the water for medical tourism. People who have never even traveled out of their home country are motivated to do so if they can save thousands of dollars on a dental procedure… which is often less scary to than traveling for invasive surgeries like cardiovascular or transplant surgery.
Which countries offer the best value for dental care? What costs can you expect?
And how do you make sure you’re choosing the right dentist?
This new guide, “Getting To The Root Of Good Dentistry Overseas” will answer all of these questions and much more.
Resource #6:
“The Best Havens For Handicap Accessibility” (US$17 value)
The United States is one of the best places in the world for wheelchair and mobility scooter accessibility.
That is not to say, however, that you can’t roll seamlessly into another country.
Elevators, escalators, ramps, and smooth sidewalks are a rarity in many historical or colonial destinations in Latin America and Europe, but certain countries are making big strides in making their cities and towns as mobility-friendly as possible.
Our new research report, “The Best Havens For Handicap Accessibility,” details the 15 countries across the Americas and Europe that are best equipped to handle your accessibility needs.
Resource #7:
Video Presentation: “Health Care for the Retiree Abroad Explained” (US$14 value)
For this resource, I asked international health insurance expert Craig McMahan and three of the savviest expats I know—Lief Simon, Lee Harrison, and Kat Kalashian—to sit down and explain health care options for people living abroad.
This talk has two agendas: First, to help you understand what you can expect of health care in a foreign country; second, to present your options for health insurance coverage. From this video presentation, you’ll find out:
Which of the top retirement havens stand out in terms of high-quality health care…
Where you’ll find health care to be the most affordable…
The differences between public and private health-care systems (would public care, often available at very little cost-even free-make sense for you in the country where you’re considering retiring?)…
How much deductible makes sense given where you’ll be living and your personal health circumstances…
Lief, Lee, Kat, and Craig explain all of this in much more in this one-of-a-kind “Video Presentation: Health Care for the Retiree Abroad Explained.”
Resource #8:
“Your Ultimate Insurance Checklist: How To Judge A Health Insurance Policy” (US$9 value)
Health insurance companies these days aren’t exactly known for their generosity and charity. The “small print” is an all-important aspect of judging any health insurance policy.
While your “Complete Guide To Health Care And Health Insurance Options Overseas Kit” gives you suggestions for quality and good-value health insurance companies and policies across multiple situations and locations, I want to make sure you’re covered no matter what option you choose.
Deductibles, limitations and restrictions, pre-existing conditions, coverage network, and everything else you need to keep an eye on…
It’s all covered in this handy checklist that you can use whenever you’re ready to start a new insurance policy.
Plus Three More
Important Bonuses
FREE If You Reply Now
In addition, if you reply today, you’ll also receive three additional Fast Reply Bonuses, completely FREE:
FREE FAST REPLY BONUS #1 Video Presentation: “International Health Insurance” (US$14 value)
FREE FAST REPLY BONUS #2 Reference Chart: “Health Care Price Comparison Index” (US$9 value)
Which countries are screaming bargains for prescription medicines?
And where can you find the best bang for your buck for common procedures such as hip replacement, lap band, and bypass surgeries?
Our new “Health Care Price Comparison Index” puts all of the costs you need to know in an easy-to-use reference chart.
FREE FAST REPLY BONUS #3 Special Report: “Measuring Health Around The World” (US$27 value)
Months ago I challenged my team of experts and researchers to come up with an answer to an interesting question…
Which countries in the world might help you live a longer, better life?
I’m pleased to say that my team succeeded. They came up with an entire collection of destinations across the world that qualify as your best options for high health and long life expectancy.
You’ll find complete details on every “fountain of youth” destination we found in this research report.
You’ll get all 11 of these important resources listed above when you order right now.
All The Health Insurance You Need For US$100 Per Month…
Or Less
The very good news is that you could buy all the health coverage you need overseas for as little as US$100 a month… maybe as little as US$50 a month… or you could forego the expense of insurance altogether by opting to “pay as you go” in a country where medical costs are so low (and standards so high) that taking out a health policy simply wouldn’t make sense.
And, yes, under some circumstances, you could even enjoy free health care overseas.
Again, it comes down to who you are… and where you’re going.
The challenge for you, as a future overseas retiree, is to find the right policy for you—a plan you’re comfortable with, bearing in mind your current state of health, your age, your future needs, and, of course, your budget.
Having gone through three international moves—from the United States to Ireland to France to Panama—I can tell you that overseas health is one of the most hard-to-research topics you’ll address as you prepare for any international relocation of your own. One that’s difficult to understand without knowledge of the global health insurance industry… not forgetting on-the-ground intelligence for the countries you have a special interest in.
Fortunately, in all these years of globetrotting, I’ve made reliable contacts in the health insurance industry… and my network of international friends and correspondents continues to grow. So, when I have an overseas health-related question, I know who to call. Now you have a chance to tap into this special network of international health intelligence with the help of this comprehensive bundle of resources on the topic, our all-new “Complete Guide To Health care And Health Insurance Options Overseas.”
We Americans are accustomed to health insurance that costs several hundreds of dollars a month and more. I’m delighted in this new guide to health care and health insurance overseas to help you to discover that, in much of the rest of the world, health insurance needn’t be such a significant part of your budget.
And this is only the start of the critical and potentially life-changing revelations you’ll find in this new program…
Here Are Four Other Overseas Health Care Facts:
Local insurance costing as little as US$100 (or less) can be all the health coverage you need.
We’re living now in Panama. In this country, a local health insurance policy can cost as little as US$100 a month or even less, and, again, it can be all the coverage you need.
In some countries, the best option can be no health insurance at all.
One option you might want to consider would be to go without insurance, period. This is a very personal choice. The most important thing is that you can sleep at night. If the thought of going naked, as it were, sounds horrifying… don’t consider it. On the other hand, I know a number of expats who do just that. They spend their time in places where the cost of medical care is so low that they don’t worry about insuring against it. India would be a good example.
What’s more, in some countries, once you become a permanent legal resident, you’re eligible for free health care. During our seven years living full-time in Ireland, for example, we enjoyed medical care at no cost, including the delivery of our son, Jackson.
Both health care and health insurance can be both higher quality and lower cost overseas.
This is not the case everywhere in every country, of course, which is why you need help researching the situation in the countries where you’re considering spending time.
The time to act is now.
If you know your plan is to live or retire to another country at some point in the future, you would be wise to organize health insurance that will cover you in that country as soon as possible. Pre-existing conditions, yes, play a role in how insurable you are. But, when it comes to obtaining a policy as a foreign resident, more important than pre-existing conditions is your age. The longer you wait to apply, the more difficult it will be to qualify for coverage.
In other words, reading our “Complete Guide To Health Care And Health Insurance Options Overseas” could save you a considerable amount of money… and hassle… down the line. In fact, it could mean the difference between being able to qualify for international coverage… and being told that, unfortunately, you’ve missed your window of opportunity to do that.
Since we left the States nearly 20 years ago, Lief and I have opted to carry a high-deductible policy and to pay day-to-day health costs out of pocket. We count on our high-deductible policy to cover us in the case of more extraordinary events.
What should you do? I can’t make that important and personal decision for you. However, I can arm you with all the information and intelligence you need to make it wisely for yourself.
Everything you need to know is detailed in our new “Complete Guide To Health Care And Health Insurance Options Overseas.”
And, right now, you have a limited-time opportunity to purchase this important resource for only US$79.
If you purchased the individual reports that make up this bundle of resources, you’d pay US$276, meaning that you can buy this comprehensive resource right now for an incredible discount of more than 70% off.
If you’re considering a new life overseas, health insurance is one of the most important issues you must address. This all-new program provides all the tools you need to do that.
And it is available now-and for a limited-time only-for the special low price of only US$79.
We won’t be able to continue to make this important resource available at this drastically reduced price very long. I urge you, therefore, to purchase your copy now.

Kathleen Peddicord
Founding Publisher, Live and Invest Overseas
P.S. Maybe you don’t need to invest in health insurance at all when you make your move overseas. This is a very personal decision. But you want to make it after considering all your options. This just-updated and comprehensive collection of special reports can help you do that.
Right now this all-new bundle of one-of-a-kind resources is available for with a whopping discount of 71% off the regular price.
When it comes to overseas health care and health insurance, your options are many, your decisions complicated. This is the tool you need to make the choice that’s best for you. Secure it here now, in the all-new fully expanded and updated Fourth Edition, for a limited time at the special discounted pre-release price.
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Copyright © 2008- Live and Invest Overseas, Founding Publisher Kathleen Peddicord