Here’s What’s In Your Passport To Freedom Program
This is the largest and most comprehensive program of its kind available anywhere…
And it’s based 100% on personal experience—both Lief’s and that of his key offshore colleagues. He’s gone through the residency process himself in four countries. He holds a second passport and will collect his third citizenship soon…
When it comes to these topics, Lief speaks from long and broad real-world experience.
Specifically, here’s what’s included in your package:
1. 8 Residency Havens That Roll Out The Welcome Mat, looks at the best of the best in terms of advantages offered to foreigners. Right now, 8 countries are competing for your attention and offering tremendous perks, discounts, and special benefits for foreigners…
2. All The Ways To Stay—A Residency Primer. This A-to-Z guide will tell you everything you need to know to begin thinking about visas, residency, and the various ways to qualify and apply for them…
3. The 29 Best Places In The World To Obtain Residency And Second Citizenship. This is the most complete guide available on foreign residency status and second citizenship, those legal blessings that allow you to live the life of your dreams, for as long as you like, in the world’s top 29 overseas havens right now, the countries that we believe offer the best expat living anywhere…
4. In The World’s Easiest Residency Options Compared we highlight the world’s various options for the easiest visas to obtain… the visas with the least hassles… the cheapest to qualify for… the residencies that don’t require you stay in the country… your best options in Europe, Asia, and the Americas… and the only program in the world that grants residency based on simply renting an apartment…
5. Is your goal to gain residency in the EU? Then you need to read Your Golden Ticket: Europe’s Golden Visa Options—Which Is Right For You? This report offers a menu of all of Europe’s best options so you can compare and contrast to find the perfect visa for you…
6. Or maybe Asia is more up your alley? Living Full-Time In Southeast Asia If you’ve got a lump sum to bring to a country or if you earn a steady income each month, then investment residency might be your best option.. Only some countries in this region have established programs, and some make it easier than others. More than any other region in the world, Southeast Asia residencies can be convoluted. This report makes all the best options crystal clear and easy to process…
7. Got A Grandparent? Get A Passport—9 Countries That Offer Citizenship Through Ancestry. If you have a grandparent of European descent, there’s a good chance you could qualify for an easy second passport. This is your complete guide to where and how to claim the second citizenship you may be due thanks to your family ancestry…
8. The next component of your Passport To Freedom Program is How To Get A Second Passport In 183 Days. There are 8 countries in the world right now where you can buy your way to a second passport. This all-new report details the world’s best viable and legitimate citizenship-through-investment programs on offer today…
9. The next report in your Passport To Freedom Program is What You Need To Know About Black And Gray Market Passports. Any second passport that sounds too good to be true likely is. This insider report shows you how to make sure you don’t make a mistake in your efforts to obtain a second passport…
10. Have an old pot conviction on your record from college? Wondering if some other run-in with the law might prevent you from your overseas dreams? Or maybe you’re just looking for the fastest residency route you can find. If so, then you need to read: Speed Up Your Residency By Skipping The Background Check—Top 5 Countries Where You Can Do Just That…
11. The cheapest way to obtain residency is by doing it for yourself—cutting out the lawyers and other middlemen. If you think you’d like to go this alone, then we’ve laid out the road map for you in DIY Your Visa—How To Handle Residency Without A Lawyer…
12. Whether you go it alone or hire an attorney for help, you’ll need at least to hunt down all your documentation yourself… prepare yourself with Documenting Your Journey—Everything You Need To Begin Your Residency Process…
13. A special, COVID-19 report called How The Pandemic Changed The
Game For The Residency And Citizenship-By-Investment Marketplace. Even before the pandemic, residency and second citizenship were a moving target. The global crisis has upended many residency processes… it’s also unearthed some new opportunities.