Don’t Pay A Single Cent More Than You Need To On Taxes
Here’s How To Annihilate Your Tax Bill And Pay Nearly Nothing… All 100% Legal
And Compliant…
Dear American Taxpayer,
We Americans have it rough when it comes to taxes…
The Big Bad Wolf of the world’s financial arena—the IRS—calls our neck of the woods home.
Feared worldwide these days… by banks, financial institutions, and ordinary citizens from California to Switzerland… the U.S. Internal Revenue Service has become the hunting dog for politicians unable to balance the nation’s checkbook.
Outlandish fines, loss of travel, and even an orange jumpsuit can await anyone who makes even an unintentional error with their tax filing…
Make no mistake: As an American, you must file your taxes every single year of your life, no matter where in the world you live or how long you live there.
That’s a lot of chances to miss something on a tax form… too many.
Then, even if you do everything right, and no matter where in the world you’ve made your money, the IRS is standing by still, ever eager to bite off its pound of flesh.
The U.S. tax code is a whopping 74,608 pages. That’s a lot of obligation and liability…
On the other hand, that’s also a lot of opportunity for “loopholes”…
Many are the result of years of congressional lobbying… others come from bouts of temporary sanity within our nation’s capital… while some have merely been overlooked…
Regardless of their source, the IRS has no incentive to educate Americans on any of these tax-saving opportunities.
This is where I come in…
My team has just conducted an extensive and exhaustive review of those nearly 75,000 pages of the U.S. tax code. With many decades of combined U.S. and global tax experience among them, my tax guys have done what no one else, frankly, would be able or qualified to do at this level.
They have identified and documented everything an American taxpayer needs to know to be able to reduce or even to eliminate their tax burden and also (very important in today’s climate) to avoid making a mistake in any of their annual filings.
These are the tools that every American who spends time or has investments abroad absolutely needs to have to save money and to escape fines… or worse…
- Did you know you can legally earn at least US$217,400 every year… completely tax-free? It’s simple to file for this savings if you know the right forms (Full details, including a sample tax form, start on Page 4…)
- Have money in a bank overseas? Does that account have US$10,000 or more in it? If so, you better report it using the right form… failure to do so can cost you at least US$10,000, and up to US$100,000, for each unreported account (We’ll show you how to file—and what to do if you didn’t report your accounts in the past—this is critical, must-know information… starting on Page 18…)
- What is FATCA? And what does it mean for you and your taxes? (We detail what you need to know, starting on Page 20…)
- Can’t stomach the thought of filing IRS tax forms every year for the rest of your life? An option does exist to escape the IRS’ yoke forever (We’ll explain fully on Page 37…)
- Own real estate property overseas? Did you know you can deduct tens of thousands of dollars on your taxes each year, just by enjoying that purchase? What’s more, if you decide to sell any of your properties abroad, we know of a way to avoid paying capital gains (Our team walks you through it all, starting on Page 5 and Page 32…)
- Plus the list of non-reportable assets, IRA investing, sample tax returns, and much, much more…
The Taxman’s Guide For The American Abroad
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must-have guide for the low,
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Lief Simon’s Personal Guarantee
I understand that you might be skeptical that our advice in The Taxman’s Guide For Americans Abroad will give you the tools you need to file your taxes with confidence and for maximum savings.
While you might not be convinced, I am absolutely certain that this report will give you all the tools you need—and more. In fact, I’m so confident that I’m prepared to offer you the following No-Questions-Asked Guarantee:
If—for any reason—you feel like The Taxman’s Guide For Americans Abroad is not for you, simply let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your money. No questions asked.
The report is yours to keep no matter what you decide…
Bottom line, this is a completely risk-free purchase for you.
In fact—as you get to keep the reports no matter what you decide, I’m the one taking the risk.
That’s how sure I am that you’ll be fully satisfied with The Taxman’s Guide For Americans Abroad.
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Copyright © 2008-2022 Live and Invest Overseas, Founding Publisher Kathleen Peddicord