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  1. SPECIAL REPORT # 1: The Annual Overseas Retirement Index. (retail price: $49).

  2. SPECIAL REPORT # 2: Five Fun Ways To Get Paid To Travel (Working As Little As 3 Hours A Week). (retail price: $39).
  3. SPECIAL REPORT # 3: 7 Passive Income Opportunities To Help Grow Your Nest Egg And Fund Your New Life Overseas. (retail price: $27).

  4. SPECIAL REPORT # 4: FAQ—The Most Frequently Asked Questions Related To Living And Invest Overseas. (retail price: $19).

  5. SPECIAL REPORT # 5: Travel Tricks: How To Travel Better But To Pay Less. (retail price: $19).



Excellent-Value Deal

"Excellent Value" Deal - 
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By renewing my email subscription today for one year, I'll pay only $2 per issue. I'll also receive these free gifts:

  1. SPECIAL REPORT # 1: The Annual Overseas Retirement Index. (retail price: $49).

  2. SPECIAL REPORT # 2: Five Fun Ways To Get Paid To Travel (Working As Little As 3 Hours A Week). (retail price: $39).
  3. SPECIAL REPORT # 3: 7 Passive Income Opportunities To Help Grow Your Nest Egg And Fund Your New Life Overseas. (retail price: $27).  



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I guarantee that my Overseas Living Letter—delivered monthly via email—is is the most straight-shooting, tell-it-like-it-is report available about the best-value destinations on the planet for living and investing abroad.

But if you don’t feel Overseas Living Letter delivers the kind of make-your-nest-egg-last-forever opportunities you’re looking for, you can cancel at any time. If you do, I’ll promptly reimburse you for any issues remaining in your subscription. No questions asked. The Special Reports are yours to keep, no matter what.

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Copyright © 2008-2019 Live and Invest Overseas, Founding Publisher Kathleen Peddicord