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Please note that it may take up to 60 minutes to receive your report. While you wait, take a look at my other publication, if you want more detailed offshore information, you’ll find it in my other publication, Simon Letter.  If you’re interested, we have a special offer for you below.

Yes, Lief! I’m in…

I’m excited to discover how I can protect and grow my family’s wealth in these uncertain times.

I understand that it’s no longer safe to keep all of my money inside the United States (or any one country), and I’m excited to learn Lief’s tested and proven diversification strategies.

I’d like to receive my free e-book, Retire Up—6 Ways To Protect And Grow Your Wealth (Even In Times Of Economic Meltdown) and start my subscription to Simon Letter immediately…

Start My 1-Year Subscription
For Just US$97

Start My 30-Day Trial Subscription
For Just US$7.99

Time is critical here, so let’s get started right away. I understand that my subscription to Simon Letter is email based—and that I’ll get access to the current issue immediately—just minutes from now.

I’m eager to take advantage of the temporarily discounted rate of $97/year… That’s a full 35% off the retail price of US$147!

I also have the chance to start a 30-day trial subscription for only US$7.99.

Each year, I’ll get 12 full issues of Simon Letter delivered straight to my email inbox. And, just for signing up, I’m entitled to a copy of Lief’s hot-off-the-presses e-book (a US$19.95 value)—that can save me thousands of dollars on my next tax bill.

To recap, here’s exactly what I’ll get…

Simon Letter Amazing Value Package

1-Year Subscription:



30-Day Trial Subscription


Once I activate my subscription to Simon Letter today, I’ll get:

  • 12 full issues of Simon Letter delivered to my email inbox—1 per month. Each issue is packed with real-world insider information from people who are actually doing what they teach.
  • Free E-book: Retire Up—6 Ways To Protect And Grow Your Wealth (Even In Times Of Economic Meltdown). This newly-released, 78-page e-book will get me up-to-speed on what I need to do to bulletproof my family’s financial future… with steps I can take as early as this month…
  • A $50 gift certificate good for using against enrollment in any Live and Invest Overseas conferences. These events are the place to be if you want to know all there is to know about a particular country. There’s a dedicated annual Offshore Wealth Summit, too. I’ll learn more about all these conferences inside Simon Letter.
  • Access to Lief’s world-class Rolodex. If I need any kind of contact—banking, tax, real estate or legal related—anywhere in the world, chances are Lief knows somebody… and is happy to refer me to them.
  • Access to Offshore Living Letter. This email newsletter is delivered twice weekly and lets me keep my finger on the pulse of exactly what’s happening in the offshore investing world.

I get all this for the reduced price of $97! And—because Simon Letter and bonuses are delivered electronically—there’s no shipping and handling charges… or any other hidden fees.

I also understand that my investment in Simon Letter is fully guaranteed…

Simon Letter—Lief’s Personal Guarantee

I understand that you might be skeptical that my advice in Simon Letter will give you the tools you need to diversify globally and to bulletproof your family’s financial future.

But I’m absolutely confident that Simon Letter will give you all the tools you need—and more. In fact, I’m so confident that I’m prepared to offer you the following No-Questions-Asked Guarantee:

Test drive Simon Letter for a full 30 days then, if—for any reason—you feel like Simon Letter is not for you, simply let me know before the 30-day deadline and I’ll refund 100% of your money. No questions asked.

As you can see, there is no risk with your purchase. In fact—since you get to keep the bonuses no matter what you decide, I’m the one taking all of the risk.

What’s more, by subscribing today, you lock in the lowest subscription rate possible. When you subscribe, you’ll be enrolled in our auto-renewal program, which guarantees the current low price for as long as you continue with your subscription. You can cancel anytime you like, and any unwanted automatic recurring charges will be refunded immediately.


There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain. Click the button below to lock in your reduced subscription cost of $97/year and gain access to all of the bonuses.

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or by phone, toll-free from the United States, at 1-888-627-8834.