The breeze blows gently as you step from your kitchen into your yard…
In the distance are neat rows of
vegetable gardens and fruit trees…
While a few steps ahead of you sit your family and
some friends on the large picnic table you built…
Dinner is starting soon, and the sight of
the food on the table makes you smile…
You’ve never felt this sort of pride before…
Everything on the table—from the beer and the butter to the salad
and the potatoes—came from your hard work.
Yes, you’ll sleep well tonight…
The troubles of our age are far, far away…
You’re now in charge of everything you’ll ever need:
food, water, energy, shelter, and even an income…
You’ve discovered
Total Independence
Dear Reader,
The situation I’ve just described is not some fantasy…
In fact, this is the life I’m living right now as you read this.
I am beholden to absolutely no one…
Politics, pandemics, social unrest, recessions, market crashes, war…
None of it matters to me anymore.
In fact, what I’m doing is the world’s ONLY path to a life of true freedom and independence.
You see, I’ve mastered the art of self-sustainable living…
I produce everything I need to provide for myself and my family.
I’m even able to earn professional wages—about US$48,000 with little extra effort—from my home while I care for my adorable but hyperactive 5-year-old daughter.
At the end of each day in this little self-sufficient paradise I’ve created, I look forward to my next decisions:
Do I want a glass of the home-brew or the sun-tea?
And will I enjoy it in the hammock alone or over on my neighbor’s porch…
While I celebrate the end of another day, I contemplate what home-grown meal I’ll enjoy for supper.
I am not exaggerating at all when I say that, at the end of each day, I feel so alive, so proud, and so genuinely happy and secure in the decision I made to undertake this lifestyle…
I’m Not Special… You Could Live This Life, Too
Embracing this lifestyle requires no special education.
With the right guidance, anyone can achieve the level of self-sufficiency I’m describing with a minimal amount of effort.
If you’ve ever had a taste for the resilient lifestyle, I’d say it’s time to act on that interest and begin to discover the joy and security of self-sufficient living.
With everything going in the world right now, I can’t image a better time to start…
Again, living this way is the only path to life of true freedom and independence.
You’re off the world’s radar, and beholden to no one but your friends and family.
I hope you have some time to heed my advice below…
We’re only going to go over the basics to start.
It may seem like a lot, but don’t worry—it’s much simpler (and a whole lot more affordable) than it all seems.
After all, Mother Nature is the one that will be doing the most work.
In addition, if this is your first time considering a step toward self-reliance, take heart…
It’s actually easier to realize this lifestyle today than it has been at any time in recent history.
OK, let’s get started…
First, let’s consider what it means to live a self-sufficient lifestyle…
You Do NOT Need To Choose Between
Self-Sufficiency And Comfortable (Even Luxury) Living
This is important: self-sufficient living is not glorified camping.
Also called homesteading, these days this lifestyle qualifies as comfortable or even—no kidding—luxury.
You can live in a big house. You can enjoy a gourmet kitchen and as many bathrooms as you’d like…
You can have a pool… air conditioning… big screen TV, and all the conveniences and amenities of our age, from freezers and bar-b-ques to Jacuzzi tubs and high-speed internet.
This is not the homesteading experience of your parents.
The reason it’s all possible—and why it’s so easy—is 21st technology…
We’ll get into this more later, but everything from batteries to solar panels are light years ahead of what we had even just a couple of decades ago.
How To Avoid Paying Your Bills (Legally)
An ideal self-sustainable houses will have solar panels for electricity, rainwater harvesting and filtration for potable water, and eco-friendly wastewater systems.
This provides a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle…
It also translates to an incredibly low cost of living. Most of your bills will disappear…
You’ll capture sunlight for power and electricity, and rain for water.
Correctly designed fire places can handle your winters. Better yet, pick a place down south, and you won’t have to worry about heating at all.
Same goes for the summer months. Many houses can be designed to take best advantage of airflow and natural winds. Of course, many energy-independent homes are able to power fans or even air conditioning.
A cheap tank of propane gas is all you’ll need for your stove and hot water…
And you’ll eat the food that you produce.
Remember: This isn’t your parents’ idea of off-grid living… self-sufficiency technology has improved so that you can enjoy all the amenities of back home—big-screen TV, washer and dryer, etc.
What’s more, self-sufficiency infrastructure is also relatively low-cost.
Self-Sufficiency Is About Meeting
Our Needs Ourselves…
Let’s take a second now and review our physical needs:
- Access to clean air and water…
- Access to shelter and clothing…
- A reliable and healthy food supply…
- Sanitation and hygiene facilities…
Our emotional needs include:
- Personal space…
- A sense of security and accomplishment…
- A sense of connection with the community where we’re living…
- Freedom from stress…
Our financial needs will vary, but we have plenty of options to make money from:
- The food in the ground and on the trees—the surplus you don’t eat or store gets sold…
- The food that comes from your animals—milk and eggs are popular, year-round choice, while butchering can also be a profitable option…
- Breeding animals to sell—this requires more work, but it has the most profit potential… baby chickens can sold be $5 each, while cows can be sold for hundreds of dollars, for instance…
- “Adding value” to that food—you can prepare foods in ways to increase its value (think jams, juices, salsa, herb mixes, cheeses, spirits, etc)…
The great thing about farming is that you usually end up with more than you need.
I’m going to show you how to can and pickle most of these goods…
What’s more, selling this extra produce is possible for an extra source of income…
But the real profits come from the “value added” goods I mention above.
Simply stated, this just means processing the food in some way. It’s easy, for example, to create jams or butters or any other products you can derive from the foods you grow…
Even better? This stuff sells at a premium in the right areas, and, if you decide to really put effort into it, you could have your own organic line on the shelves one day.
Again, this self-sufficient life has so many possibilities… it can be a business or a hobby that generates income that can be saved or used to pay off debt.
Why Embrace A Truly
Independent Lifestyle?
Idyllic peace. The quiet of the countryside and yesteryear.
Minimizing your carbon footprint. Fitting into nature’s original plan for you. Spending more time with the family….
These are the reasons I often hear from my clients.
They want the satisfaction that comes from doing things for yourself…
They want to have the power to rely on themselves…
They want the power to guarantee that, whatever happens in this world, their families will be okay.
Resilience, satisfaction, financial gain, and personal pride are only a few of the advantages of the lifestyle I’m both describing and living.
For millennia our ancestors have been the proud owners of their own destinies…
It’s a shame that most of us have become slaves to an unhealthy lifestyle that wastes away most of our time, leaving us money hungry and concerned about the bills.
A self-sufficient life is about more than lowering your costs or living better… it’s about taking the power back and becoming the master of your own future.
Now, a lot of false impressions about this lifestyle are out there…
Some think it requires you to toil endlessly in extreme weather…
Or to scratch a meager living from the soil like peasants in some feudal system…
Or to turn your back on your friends and community and join an alternative culture of strange peoples and mysterious practices.
These could not be further from the truth…
From Millennials to Baby Boomers:
The 21st-Century Trend For True Freedom…
The lifestyle I’m talking about must be reserved for lunatics, sun-worshipping hippies, and social misfits… right?
Remember when society praised its people who were able to take care of themselves?
I’m pleased to say we’re trending back into that direction…
A major resurgence is happening right now, and what’s remarkable is that’s it across education levels, classes, and generations…
From Millennials to Baby Boomers and full-time farmers to “hobby homesteaders.”
Of course, it’s no surprise that it comes when our society is at its most expensive and least healthy…
Everyone has their own reasons, but polls of current homesteaders have revealed an ever-growing list of reasons behind this trend for independence:
No utility bills…
Food and energy security…
Better health…
Avoidance of carcinogens…
Mental wellness…
More free time…
Develop useful skills…
Earn money…
Shelter from social unrest…
Less stress…
Increased longevity…
Freedom from market crashes
and manipulation…
Hedge against inflation…
No hassle from bosses or commutes…
Become part of a community…
Save money…
Protection against pandemics…
“But I’m Too Old To Get Involved In This Now…”
For a young(-ish) buck like me, just about everything is physically possible.
It would take some time, but I could plough and harvest and entire field of produce on my own if I chose. I have the land to do it, after all…
However, I’m not doing that…
For one, I’m more interested in growing food for my family right now…. I don’t need big harvests.
More than that, I’m savings time and money by using hydroponics and aquaponics systems. Neither requires ploughing of fields or swinging of scythes, and either can take up a footprint as small as few square feet.
It’s easy to manage and just about anyone can do it.
Besides, for large stretches of land, I’d opt for fruit trees… which require a single planting and some easy maintenance that doesn’t require a lot sweat equity.
If you decide that you want to grow fields, whether its seasonal crops or trees, cheap labor is easy to find to support such a venture.
Plus, I can show you where communities exchange certain chores or share them for a collective harvest.
Another mistake people make is that you need an estate or a farm to do this…
But self-sufficiency can be achieved from the comfort and convenience of your own home and garden, in whatever form you desire.
This is not an all-or-nothing choice.
You have a wide array of options to embrace that I’d be happy to teach you…
In fact, it only takes 59 days to learn everything you need to know…
More on that in a few minutes—but first:
Can Being More Self-Sufficient
Actually Save You Money?
Or is it just for people who don’t have a job?
Building and maintaining your self-sufficient lifestyle can be a full-time job… if you’d like it to be. Or you could continue working at the job or in the career you’ve pursued your whole life…
Regardless, yes, living a more self-sufficient lifestyle can translate into reduced expenses.
A life of Total Independence can save you US$15,000 or more every year in grocery and energy expenses…
The average U.S. household spent up to US$13,348 on food for the year in 2018.
And that’s not to mention what sort of food was bought… a large portion was on low-quality, processed foods grown with chemical pesticides and fungicides. These are the same ingredients known have direct links to diseases that can cost thousands of dollars per year in medical expenses and lost income… diabetes, heart disease, obesity, asthma, and cancer, to name but a few.
The food you’ll grow for yourself will make you healthier and cut down on your medical bills…
And it’ll be free…
What would you do with an extra US$10,000+ every year?
Ironically, the most expensive food we can buy these days is “organic”… rest assured, the methods for growing food I can show you are entirely natural and organic.
What about the other bills?
The average household spends about $1,300 per year on electricity (and some spend much more). Invest in a home power generation system—solar or wind—and you’ll never pay a utility bill again.
The bottom line is that the more you embrace a self-sufficient lifestyle, the more money you can save.
If you’re considering making the leap to a fully off-grid life, your savings could be enormous.
What Are Your Options For
Self-Sufficient Living?
Self-sufficient living isn’t Doomsday prepping…
Nor does it mean you have to scramble through the wilderness of northern Alaska hunting deer and avoiding packs of wolves and grizzly bears.
Self-sufficiency should be designed to simplify your life… not complicate it… bringing an appreciation of the basics back to us so that we can learn to enjoy living again.
Self-sufficient living is living independently… meeting your real, physical, emotional, and financial needs yourself.
At one extreme are those who do everything for themselves, like the mountain men of early America. While admirable, this isn’t possible or interesting for most of us.
At the other extreme of the lifestyle spectrum we might imagine a powdered aristocrat who does nothing at all for himself. Neither is this a possibility for most of us, and it really isn’t admirable either.
My Irish grandmother took great pride in everything on her table being the work of her family’s hands, “except the salt, pepper, and sugar.
Those were brought from far away, as were tea and coffee.
My grandmother’s family, at home on their farm on Ireland’s west coast, hadn’t made the dishes or the cutlery on their table either…
Although my granny did embroider her own tablecloths.
And while they might’ve done their own butchering, baking, and candlestick-making, my Irish ancestors hired carpenters and blacksmiths for jobs they preferred not to do themselves.
Again, this doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You decide how self-sufficient you want your life to be.
You Choose How Self-Sufficient You Want To Be… What Choice Will You Make?
From Mesopotamia to the Wild American West, humans have prospered this way…
But they had no choice. They were forced to go “all in” on this lifestyle or to perish.
The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
‐‐Abraham Lincoln
The good news is that you a choice.
You can set up a vegetable garden in your backyard or the wall of your kitchen…
Or establish a homestead with rain catchment and a stable of animals.
My point is that you don’t have to be a mountain man or a pioneer to start. You don’t even need much space to achieve a real level of independence.
Modern Intensive Agriculture Techniques like aquaponics require very little space. All you need is a balcony, and if you don’t have even that you can grow fish and vegetables in your utility room with grow lights.
Again, the choice to just how far you’ll go is up to you…
But make no mistake: With everything going on in the world, you absolutely need some form of self-sufficiency in your life…
More and more, being self-sustainable has become a Plan B.
We recently saw a run on foods and certain goods during the COVID-19 crisis…
And for decades now, we’ve witnessed mass recalls on certain crops—just last year, more than 99 million pounds of fruits and vegetables were recalled because they could lead to a fatal disease called listeria.
What if the next pandemic is worse and food becomes scarce? Or what if you eat the wrong, contaminated food?
Setting up a backup plan now while also ensuring your health is simply being sensible in our world today…
Your First Steps Toward Self-Sufficiency
This doesn’t have to be a massive project… you can start small, with baby steps…
Plant herbs in a pot by your kitchen sink. That way g you no longer have to rely on dried herbs from who-knows-where, covered in who-knows-what chemicals.
Or plant a small vegetable garden to grow carrots and onions and celery for your soup pot…
If you have a little more room, you could plant fruit trees and maybe other vegetables, especially perennial vegetables, which can yield for years with only one planting.
You could put up the bounty of your efforts by canning and preserving for times when certain produce is out of season… or, thinking longer term, should real crisis ever strike.
Taking even these small steps, you’ll begin to appreciate the natural seasons and the calm that can come from these simple, nurturing tasks.
In any backyard self-sufficiency endeavour, there’s nearly always room for chickens for eggs… and, for the more adventurous, maybe a beehive.
Got 60 Minutes A Day?
You Can Convert This Lifestyle Into An Income
Becoming self-sufficient is a personal step that allows you to take control of your life and your family’s future. It means security and a lot of self-satisfaction.
Self-sufficiency can reduce your cost of living … it definitely will make your life fuller…
And, I said above, it can also create an income.
Money-making opportunities exist in your own backyard, and sacrificing as little as an hour of your time a day could lead to thousands of dollars a month and real financial independence.
Chickens and other poultry—turkeys, guinea fowl, ducks, geese—will keep your backyard homestead pest-free while providing loads of healthy eggs and tasty meat… and all are easily sold.
If you’re feeling adventurous, get a pig and fatten him on your garden’s waste.
Learn to can and put up all your extra produce. Make your berries into jam—a product that, like eggs, will always find ready buyers.
Consider a bee hive. Your own honey beats white sugar every time, and raw honey has been known for millennia to have powerful health and antibacterial properties…
It’s also another product that is easily harvested, packaged, and sold in small quantities… meaning easy cash flow for the self-sufficient entrepreneur.
Plus, honey is the only foodstuff that doesn’t expire; honey stored in sealed pots in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs was found to be edible thousands of years later!
I’m only touching the tip of the iceberg here…
I’m going to show you many more ways to create an income, and I’m going to show you how to them (and the above) the right way.
If you’re up for thinking bigger, incorporating aquaponics into your strategy can mean amazingly efficient production. You can grow fish and vegetables in volumes that can lead to bigger revenues.
Many types of produce—from lettuce, herbs, and greens to tomatoes and peppers—can be grown better using aquaponics than dirt with a small fraction of the effort, space, or water required…
NASA is even trying to figure out aquaponics on the International Space Station…
That is, you literally can do this anywhere.
But You’ll Have To Do More Than Grow Food To
Enjoy True Independence…
Water is the second most vital resource we humans need, after air.
It’s also poised to take over oil as the world’s most precious natural asset.
Remember the movie, “The Big Short?”
Michael Burry (played by Christian Bale) became famous and fantastically rich by becoming the first person to predict the subprime housing bubble in 2008.
What’s Burry’s next investment?
Fresh water.
As Burry states, “Fresh, clean water cannot be taken for granted.”
He’s right, of course. While 70% of the earth is covered in water, only 1% of it is currently potable or usable to grow food.
Climate change has increased the frequency of droughts, and an exploding population means water will grow more and more valuable.
Eventually, those who control the fresh water supply will control the people.
I know how to put that power back into your hands when it comes to your water supply.
Many ways exist to harvest, conserve, and re-use water that I’d like to share with you.
The 21st-Century Self-Sufficient Home
Food. Water. What else?
Adequate shelter is one of the most important aspects of living self-sufficiently.
You could build your own self-sufficient house, but not everyone is up for that…
The good news is that today it’s easier than ever to find builders and contractors who are qualified and have long experience building self-sufficient homes.
However, you don’t necessarily need to build a new house to reap the rewards of a self-sufficient home.
Simple changes to your current home can increase its energy efficiency, covering the costs of the improvements and then saving you significant amounts of money over your lifetime.
For instance, I can teach you about compost toilets. Installing these means no need for a septic tank, while conserving water and providing fertilizer. Of course, there is a wrong way and a right way use this sort of equipment…
Don’t worry, though, I have you covered.
My Sweet Self-Sufficient Life
Food. Water. What else?
These days I live off-grid with a solar system, a backup generator, a compost toilet, and some propane tanks on a piece of land near a river.
That’s one option…
My friend Thomas lives close by and has gone totally back to basics…
After years of living in Canada with all of modern life’s conveniences at his fingertips, Thomas has chosen a very simple life that requires only a firepit, a kerosene lamp, and an outhouse.
That is a bit of a stretch for me (and, probably, you). I enjoy a cold drink and catching the game on TV after working in the sun.
Modern off-grid living can run from subsistence-level to bona-fide luxury. Houses can now be equipped with impressive solar systems capable of running most any appliances or creature comforts you might want… from a side-by-side refrigerator and a dishwasher to air conditioning and surround sound.
What About The Supposed
Drudgery Of “Working The Land”?
Well, sitting in the same office day after day, pushing the same papers, twiddling the same pens…
Or doing the same routine every day and watching the same news program every night…
Those sound more like drudgery to me after experiencing the alternatives.
Doing the same thing all the time is the definition of drudgery. That’s also not the road to true independence.
Becoming truly self-sufficient connects you to the world around you and gives it new value and richness. Every season of the year is important and holds a special magic.
This lifestyle also means more of life’s most precious commodity: time.
Forget commuting or waiting in lines or being stuck inside on a beautiful day… your time is your own when you’ve truly independent.
And it’s not just more time, it’s learning to appreciate it as well…
Living in a temperate climate, winter spells downtime—when you’re not repairing equipment or splitting firewood, you can enjoying time with family and friends around the fire or kitchen table.
Come early spring, and you’re spending a lot of the daylight outside—the first greens begin to appear and work begins in earnest. Gardens are planted, trees are pruned, animals are born, and life happens around you.
Soon come summer harvests and haying… lots and lots of haying if you have larger spaces for dairy cows. If you are a backyard operator, your aquaponics system or small enterprise will occupy any idle hours you might have.
Continuing into the fall, the important work of preparing for winter starts. By the end of fall there could be animals to butcher and definitely plenty of excess produce to preserve. Then winter again…
A great variety of work and fruitful undertakings—and your time will have been spent with family, friends, and the Earth.
Again, though, you can start small and then develop your plan over time.
What’s stopping you from growing a pot of herbs on your window sill? You don’t need to learn how to skin a deer and make moccasins.
Fantastic! How Do I Get Started?
Please, Allow Me To Help…
If you’re just beginning to consider these options…
Or if you’re a veteran grower who wants to take things to a next level…
I would like to extend a special invitation to help.
You know, the older I get, the more I find that spending time with my daughter is most important to me. Flying around the world to consult for clients is simply something that I no longer want to do…
So I’ve decided to gather all of the expertise, insights, and wisdom I’ve learned into a program that allows me to teach you from anywhere on earth…
Now, I’ve been doing this for a long time, and I know a lot.
I don’t say that to boast.
What I mean is that I could put everything into a big book, but that runs the risk of being boring and overwhelming….
Plus, frankly, learning what I have to show you in book form puts you at a disadvantage.
Better, instead, to approach this as a plan…
As a system that’s not going to take you years and thousands of dollars to figure out.
A step-by-step course…
The 59 Days To Total Independence Program
That’s the idea behind this new 59 Days To Total Independence e-course.
This is my way of sharing my knowledge (and, as well, that of some of my most trusted colleagues in this industry) with you, one easy step at a time, one day at a time…
Over the course of 59 days.
Rather than trying to figure it all out by yourself (and risk finding yourself in the same spot where you sit right now years from today), you can follow this fully detailed, step-by-step, fool-proof program I’ve designed…
To get you the self-sustainable freedom you want in as few as 59 days.
I guarantee you: This is the hand-holding help that will work for you, no matter your goal or agenda.
Follow my blueprint, as laid out in my new 59 Days To Total Independence program, and the only thing left for you to do will be to choose the path that works best for you and your needs.
How Does It Work?
Your daily lesson will be sent straight to you inbox…
Once you’ve enrolled in the 59 Days To Total Independence daily course, you’ll begin receiving, each day for the next 59 days, an email dispatch from me personally, Con Murphy, with that day’s vital lesson.
In these daily lessons, I’ll walk you through the process of choosing and then building the independent lifestyle that works best for you…
Starting with a complete “101” on self-sufficiency—what it is (and what it isn’t), what’s required, and all of the options you can choose from and customize…
You’ll even get a short quiz to whittle down these many options into the ones that make best sense for you and your goals.
Then, with that foundation set, I’ll lead you, day-by-day, your hand in mine, through the questions, the challenges, the issues, and the choices you’ll face…
I’ll help you to make the best possible decision at every turn…
So that, 59 days later, all you’ll have to do is cross off a checklist and put your plan into action.
We’ll start at the beginning… and follow through to your new beginning…
To the day you’re finally ready to give yourself true freedom and independence.
My new program walks you step-by-step through…
- How to decide on the homestead that’s best for you, based on multiple options, sizes, and goals (Day #1)…
- Understanding the idea of permaculture… and how to design your homestead or micro-farm (Day #2)…
- Is your current home enough? Learn the climates that work best for the fauna and flora you want to raise (Day #3)…
- Discovering the different types of self-sufficient communities—and even how to start your own… (Day #5)…
- Greenthumb tips for naturally supercharging your trees’ growth and health… plus: how to harvest lumber without killing a tree (Day #11)…
- A complete guide on growing culinary mushrooms—these can earn you thousands of dollars every year (Day #12)…
- Learn everything you need to know about seed-saving… this is arguably the most basic act of self-sufficiency, and you can even do it within a home apartment (Day #13)…
- A complete 101 on planting your gardens—what and how much to grow (Day #16)…
- Figuring out your water sources and needs… plus, how to calculate your water catchment and how to create dams, ponds, and fish farming pools (Day #17)…
- A step-by-step guide to create a backyard aquaculture system—a useful and lucrative way to farm fish and produce simultaneously (Day #19)…
- How to sustainably raise, manage, use, and profit from cattle, pigs, poultry, rabbits, sheep, and goats (Days #22-29)…
- Learn how to brew your own beer, create your own wine, and distill your own spirits… all 100% organic (Day #34)…
- A manual for canning and jarring food as a reserve or for sale (Day #38)…
- Preserve your most valuable foods or add value to them by learning how to cure, dry, and smoke your meats (Day #39)…
- How to sustainably heat your entire home—no heating bill, no matter the season (Day #48)…
- A comprehensive 5-day course on producing your own sustainable energy… from solar panels to creating bio-gas (Days #50-54)…
- Everything you need to know about waste management off the grid (Day #55)…
- How to turn your independent lifestyle into an income—you could earn US$4,000 or more a month (Day #57)…
Plus: baking bread (Day #41), homemade dairy products (Day #42), making cleaning supplies (Day #43), produce herbal remedies and medicinal tinctures (Day #44) and even how to create your own soap (Day #45)…
All for personal use or to sell for profit.
Fully Actionable Steps…
With Checklists (And Even Homework!) To
Help You Forecast, Plan, And Budget
This is a highly practical program. This isn’t about the dream.
This is about reality…
I’ve put a lot of effort into this program, and, while I’ve made it as easy as possible for you to make a plan and answer all of the questions you’ll face, you’ll need to put some work in yourself…
And, yes, that includes some homework. But I promise it’ll be the easiest and most fulfilling homework you’ve ever done.
Still, I can’t say 59 Days To Total Independence is for everyone.
59 Days To Total Independence is for you if you’re ready to move from the idea to actual, tangible results (that you can literally taste) …
What If You Don’t Want To Start
This In 59 Days?
My new program will lead you to the independent life you want (or, maybe, need)…
It’s been designed to make it possible for you to walk get up and begin living a healthier, cheaper, freer, and more natural lifestyle in as few as 59 days.
However, a lot is going on right now…
And maybe you’re not ready to get started just yet…
Maybe your plan is for six months from now… or next year… or even once you move to that new piece of land you’ve had your eyes on…
With my program, you could be fully independent in as few as 59 days from today. But, to state the obvious, 59 days is by no means a deadline.
You can begin this program, begin working through each step, begin reviewing and carrying out my recommendations, day-by-day… so that, whenever you are ready to start, your new life awaits.
It is never too soon to begin the groundwork required to think through this sort of plan
And, I promise you (speaking from experience), your biggest regret down the road is going to be that you didn’t act sooner.
Again, though, the is your own.
Begin following the steps laid out in my new 59 Days To Total Independence program today… then you can flip the switch to your new life whenever your own circumstances allow.
Either way, I’ll take you by the hand on Day 1, leading you through to Day 59, when you’ll be fully prepared and standing on the doorstep of a new life that you were always meant to live…
All you need is the intent… we’ll handle the rest for you.
Start Now To Get 3 Free Gifts
(A Total Value Of US$177)…
To help you start thinking about the possibilities for your own situation, my 59 Days To Total Independence program also includes a library of getting-started special reports.
As my student, you’ll have free and complete access to these important resources.
Specifically, when you enroll, you’ll receive:
Getting Started Bonus #1:
The Top 9 Self Sufficiency Havens Overseas
As I’ve explained, you can add some level of self-sufficiency to your life no matter where you live you could grow vegetables and herbs in your apartment in New York City or Toronto if you wanted…
And the truth is you could live a life of total independence on your own homestead just about anywhere in the world.
However, this e-course has been created exclusively for Live and Invest Overseas readers—which means you’re probably looking for place abroad to call your home…
That’s why I’ve created the report, The Top 9 Self Sufficiency Havens Overseas.
Covering the entire world—from Portugal to Panama. and from Colombia to Thailand—I’ve examined the top lifestyle havens where you could thrive independently…
I’ve graded 9 of your best options overseas across the 10 most important categories, including climate and growing seasons.
As a bonus, since most of these countries are considered part of the developing world, setting up a self-sustainable homestead means you won’t have to worry about blackouts, expensive energy bills, or inadequate infrastructure.
Getting Started Bonus #2:
Tropical Self Sufficiency Starter Kit
Again, you can live this level of independence just about anywhere.
But some places stand out above the rest…
You can snag cheap and fully-titled land… it boasts a tropical climate where just about everything can grow… English is the official language… its people value personal space and freedom…
And it’s bordered by Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
I’m talking about Belize. This is my top choice for a Total Independence lifestyle…
And I’m not alone. In fact, you’ll find here a very large community of German Mennonites. Like the Amish, these folks have been living sustainably and off the land for generations.
I’m so enamored by Belize that I’ve hosted large groups of Live and Invest Overseas readers for private self-sufficiency workshops.
For these talks, I gathered my top contacts in the country… a group of organic farmers, sustainability professionals, and horticulturists with decades of experience. The recordings from these private meetings have been packaged into what we’ve called the Tropical Self Sufficiency Starter Kit.
This comprehensive program consists of 17 recorded presentations covering more than 11 hours of self-sufficiency techniques and strategies, including:
- A local architect detailed Sustainable Home Design… showing all of the options, while pinpointing the must-have design elements…
- Learn the energy requirements for the type of home you want…and understand the difference between sun, water, and wind energy appliances…
- Get an in-depth education on growing vegetables, designing gardens, and even how to brew your own beer…
- Understand the do’s and don’t’s—and the upsides and downsides—of raising and managing certain animals…
- Find out how much a homestead in Belize could cost you… we detail all of the costs you have to consider, including those for aquaponics systems, greenhouses, animals, pens, ponds, and even several home types (including Menonnite-built houses for US$40k)…
Of course, that’s just a small sample of the 11½ hours of recorded veteran insights and savvy you’ll find in your Tropical Self Sufficiency Starter Kit.
Getting Started Bonus #3:
How To Go Small—A Complete Primer
On Tiny Houses
It’s one of the biggest trends in the world today: tiny homes.
At the risk of stating the obvious, going small means a dramatic reduction in both the costs and efforts needed to maintain your home.
These small houses are also much more affordable to build or buy than a normal home, with a modern and new build setting you back only about US$30,000.
As part of a homestead, a tiny home allows you to use more of your land…
Meaning even a small piece of land can have room for a garden, greenhouse, animal pens, and a small orchard.
In my new guide, How To Go Small—A Complete Primer On Tiny Houses, you’ll get a complete introduction to this uber-efficient living option, including:
- A complete review on your house size options—from “micro houses” to small cottages and cabins…
- The many different features you can choose to include in your tiny house, including air conditioning, heating, and even wheels…
- The upsides—and the downsides—of tiny house living…
- A quick guide on how to build your own home, including materials and zoning permits to be aware of…
- How to earn an income from your tiny house…
In total, the Top 9 Self Sufficiency Havens Overseas (US$29), Tropical Self Sufficiency Starter Kit (US$99), and the Complete Primer On Tiny Houses (US$49) boast a total value of US$177.
However, again, as a fully enrolled student in my new 59 Days To Total Independence e-course, you’ll receive this special library of getting-started resources entirely free of charge.
It’s Time To Claim Your Total Independence
If you were to engage me as your personal certified Permaculture Designer, the fee would start at around US$1,000 for an assessment…
My expertise is not only academic. I’ve done this in multiple environments and across every budget level.
I’ve charged tens of thousands of dollars for custom plans for businesses, farms, and clients around the world.
However, I’ve worked with Founding Publisher Kathleen Peddicord to make this new 59 Days To Total Independence program—which includes much, much more than my usual assessments—as accessible as possible for and Live and Invest Overseas …
Specifically, this step-by-step hand-holding support program is priced at just US$399.
However, right now, Kathleen has asked me to celebrate its release at the a limited-time sales price of just US$195 US$149.
That’s a savings of US$250 (more than 60%) off the regular price.
What’s more, I realize this is program is more important right now than I can ever remember…
So we’re going to make it possible for you to try this 59 Days To Total Independence program for only US$1.
That’s right…
Check out my comprehensive step-by-step program for seven full days for only a buck.
Your US$1 buys you the first week of courses. If you decide to continue, a second and final charge of US$148 will occur eight days after today.
You’ll receive your free gifts as soon as you’re fully enrolled. (You can cancel your trial at any time.)
For just US$1, we’re giving you the chance to obtain the freedom and security that you just can’t get with the lifestyle you’re currently living.
But again, this special offer is available for a limited time only, through July 2, 2020.
Once you enroll, I’ll be in touch immediately to start your courses…
Guiding you, leading you, day-by-day, step-by-step, toward this new, healthier, cheaper, and independent lifestyle.
Yes, this is possible. And, yes, YOU can do this…
People have been doing stuff like this since the beginning of civilization!
I’ve helped folks from every age and background, some of which never lived outside of a city until they got started.
Here’s your chance to leverage all of my experience, schooling, and hard-won wisdom.
By enrolling now for my new and one-of-a-kind 59 Days To Total Independence program… for only US$1.
I’m really looking forward to working with you…
We have a lot to go over, so let’s get to work!
To the lifestyle you deserve,
Con Murphy
For Live and Invest Overseas
P.S. This program is your guide—your personal blueprint—to a life of freedom and total independence. This is how you live healthier, better, and cheaper…
While, at the same time, protecting yourself from recessions, pandemics, social unrest, and whatever else mischief the world gets itself into…
What can you do to protect yourself in case things get worse in a hurry?
Set up a “Bug Out” Plan.
I asked Live and Invest Overseas co-founder and global diversification specialist Lief Simon to design a special guide for all of my 59 Days To Total Independence program students…
FREE Fast Reply Bonus:
How To Create Your 4-Part “Bug Out” Plan
You don’t have to build a bomb shelter, but you should absolutely have a Plan B in place.
Lief has laid out a simple and affordable “4-Part Personal Protection Program”
that will leave you prepared for whatever’s coming down the tracks.
You’ll learn the keys to a fully diversified plan, including safe-haven assets, legal options for ensuring safe passage, and much more…
It’s yours for free if you try my 59 Days To Total Independence program RIGHT NOW.
This is an easy decision…
You’re only risking a single dollar to get started… pocket change.
or by phone, toll-free from the United States, at 1-888-627-8834.