You are not responsible for
getting yourself into this mess. 

But only you can get yourself out… 

Announcing: Your Passport To Freedom

Dear Reader,

What a mess.

As soon as things are starting to look up…

When the stock market is cooking… when masks are coming off… when we can finally travel anywhere we want…

We’re still stuck in the mud.

Wall Street is in a bear market, the property bubble is set to pop, and everyone wants to argue the definition of a recession.

Of course, inflation and tax hikes have reared their ugly head again…

At over 9%, inflation is at a 40-year high…

While the tax hikes that go into effect later this year are, according to the New York Times, “the largest in modern history.”

The old problems are still there, of course…

Politicians are still dishonest morons…

Families are still viciously divided over politics…

And America is where the youngest generations are thirsty for blood…

You can make the wrong comment, joke, or observation and end up being “cancelled”— in which internet mobs work to get you fired, to hurt your business, or even to damage your property.

With statues of Christopher Columbus and even George Washington being torn down, no one is safe.

Bottom line? The United States of America is not the same country it was.

The country is falling deeper into debt… the deepest it’s ever been…

And you know as well as I do who’s going to have to foot the bill.

Now, I know it feels safe to sit within the herd…

To feel comforted by thoughts of “We’re all in this together” and “Everyone else is waiting it out, too.”

Please believe me: that is a dangerous boat to be in. A sinking boat, in fact.

How long can you really afford to wait?

How much of your wealth is the government going to squeeze from you?

I’m writing today to tell you that there is a way out…

A way to protect your wealth and to guarantee yourself a much more prosperous future…

The Good News?
Not Only Is There Is A Way Out…

It’s Your Path To Paradise

Freedom… security… special benefits…

A reduced cost of living… a new life… a new start…

A better retirement… a grand adventure… a way out.

I can promise you all of these things…

It all starts with the strongest form of a “Plan B”:

Foreign residency or a second passport.

Locked down and barred from traveling to another country?

Want to avoid high medical bills?

Tired of seeing where you grew up change for the worse?

Want a “Plan B” in case things go really FUBAR?

Legal residency in another country is your ticket to all of these.

It’s a way to have fun and adventure in your empty-nest years…

And it’s also how to enjoy tax advantages, discounts, and savings on (or free) medical care and prescription drugs.

Bottom line, you could live safer overseas, while enjoying more freedom and peace of mind.

Of course, if you’ve been a reader for a while, you already know that living overseas is the world’s biggest retirement secret…

But you may not know some countries are competing for you

With easy and affordable residency visas…

Rolling Out The Welcome Mat:

The World’s 6 Most Welcoming Countries

Where should you go?

At this point, I know of about 50 nations that qualify as top options.

However, some places stand apart….

Some places, in fact, are competing for you.

Indeed, I can tell you about 6 countries that roll out the welcome mat…

If you’re a North American or European, you’ll qualify for special benefits, discounts, and tax incentives.

Residency in these places also grants you access to very affordable (and sometimes completely free) medical care.

In most of these countries, you can live the life you want for as long as you want, enjoying the many benefits and privileges of being a foreign resident.

That’s freedom. That’s peace of mind.

An American residing and even working abroad could live tax-free…

Depending on your situation, you could owe no tax in the United States. And, depending where you choose to reside overseas, you could owe no tax in that country either.

You could enjoy a richer lifestyle—for a fraction of your cost of living back home—without worrying about a dwindling nest egg.

As a legal resident in these and other places around the world, you can:

  • Get a mortgage from a local bank—up to 80% loan-to-value, in some cases…
  • Have your spouse, children, and parents live in the country with you, under your personal visa status…
  • Run a local business or hold a full- or part-time job
  • Legally avoid taxes on any income earned outside the country (such as a pension, interest, dividends, capital gains, or your actual salary if you work remotely online)…
  • Qualify for special discounts on services from health care and health insurance… to airfares and public transportation… from movie tickets to sporting events… and from doctors’ visits and prescription medications to closing costs on your new condo…

“What A Wonderful And Amazing World”

“You have provided the education necessary for me to open my eyes and overcome ‘border blindness.’ What a wonderful and amazing world there is out there. Now I’m discovering it, thanks to you.”

Bill N., United States

Note, though, that you don’t have to be a “retiree”—not in any official sense, at least—to take advantage of the many benefits of residency in another country.

If you’re an American, residency can slash to nearly nothing one of your biggest retirement costs: health care…

No matter the kind of visa you qualify for, in certain places you could:

  • Qualify for the local health care system… giving you access to cheap or free health care
  • Significantly reduce overall tax burden… even to zero…
  • Lower your day-to-day costs of living, perhaps dramatically…
  • Enjoy the perfect climate—whatever that means for you, from year-round spring-like temperatures to year-round sunshine or four seasons…
  • Have a place to “get away from it all” if you need to leave your home country for any reason…
  • Break from the troubles at home and elsewhere… and live the good life at your own pace… spending time on the things you really enjoy doing…

And that’s only to start…

You could take your residency a step further by obtaining citizenship in another country. By arming yourself with a second passport, you could:

  • Escape travel bans on your original citizenship—this is especially important for anyone who lived in the age of COVID-19…
  • Be free to live or work in that country, enjoying all social programs like health care and unemployment… if it’s an EU passport, you’ll get the same benefit within your choice any one of 27 countries …
  • Enjoy visa-free travel to over 130 countries—saving you time and money when you travel…
  • Enjoy greater freedom… the IRS now has the power to take away your U.S. passport and prevent you from traveling even for citizens who have not been convicted of any crime. A backup passport gives you the legal option to travel as you please

“Thank you for all of this ongoing information. You are a lifeline to Americans wanting out right now.”

Peggy D., United States

You Don’t Have
To Stop Being A U.S. Citizen
(And, No, This Is Not Illegal)

When I broach this foreign residency and second citizenship topic in conversation with my fellow Americans, I’m sometimes met with raised eyebrows.

While what I’m talking about is entirely legal, images of spy films, double identities, and tax evasion seem to come to some folks’ minds.

That’s not what this is about…

I’ll admit that carrying a second passport (legally, in your own name) has a certain romance to it. And earning income or holding assets in a foreign country can lower your overall tax burden. That’s a big advantage.

But I’m not hiding anything… and you won’t have to either.

Another reason some people shoot the idea down of foreign residency or a second passport straightaway is because they believe it’d require them to give up their U.S. citizenship.

Allow me to clarify and set the record straight:

Getting a legal residency or a second passport will not affect your current citizenship status.

In fact, aside from a few very rare scenarios, you can’t accidentally lose your American citizenship… it’s a long and expensive process that you must willfully start yourself.

 “Your honest, direct approach
is a real service.”

“What I admire is your honest, tell-it-like-it-is approach. A lot of people have been hurt by nothing but glowing reports about offshore living from various sources. Your honest, direct approach is a real service.”

Arlean K., United States

Here’s Your Passport To Freedom…

Lief Simon, Co-Founder Of Live and Invest Overseas

I can guarantee you prosperity no matter what happens in the world…

You just need to have the right plan in place.

And, as I’ve shown you above, that plan needs to start with the legal right to live in another country…

It’s a simple way to lower your taxes, easily open offshore bank accounts, gain true independence, and set up an ironclad “Plan B”…

It’s also the only legal way to travel to a country in the event of another lockdown.

So how do you get started?

I’m here to help.

With help from my top contacts and resources around the world, I’ve been able to come up with all of your best options, with current, boots-on-the-ground insights for each…

This is hard-to-find information that gives you access to:

  • Complete details on gaining legal residency in 48 countries—these are the places where you can enjoy a better quality of life, reduce your tax burden, and enjoy more personal freedom…
  • Background and context to help you decide the haven(s) that make most sense for you, given your situation…
  • How and where to get a second passport, and the pros and cons of each country where you might qualify…
  • Checklists and step-by-step processes of applying for residency and citizenship in each place, including samples of the required forms in each case…
  • Insider tips on how things really work in practice, not in theory… plus, trusted contacts to help you…
  • The best places to live, invest, and start a business while enjoying deep tax breaks—some places can be tax-free
  • 6 countries that roll out the “Welcome Mat” to foreign residents, including tax breaks and exclusive discounts (on everything from movie tickets to utility bills)… these are countries that are actively competing for you…
  • The countries with top-tier health care systems… many countries require a modest annual fee for complete coverage, while health care in some places is 100% free for legal residents

It’s all packaged into the biggest and most complete guide of its kind in the world…

It is—by far—the most comprehensive program I’ve ever seen for foreign residency and second passports…

This enormous bundle of resources, formally called Passport To Freedom Program: The World’s Top Havens For Residency, Citizenship, And A Second Passport, is now available to you.

This is the only resource you’ll ever need for foreign residency and second citizenship.

“I hope to make the transition to an overseas haven one of these days, and I find your information a great tool. Thanks.”

Jeff, P. Canada

Here’s What’s In Your
Passport To Freedom Program

This is the largest and most comprehensive program of its kind available anywhere…

And it’s based 100% on personal experience—both mine and that of my key offshore colleagues. I’ve gone through the residency process myself in four countries. I hold a second passport and will collect my third citizenship soon…

When it comes to these topics, I speak from long and broad real-world experience.

Specifically, here’s what’s included in your package:

1. 6 Residency Havens That Roll Out The Welcome Mat, looks at the best of the best in terms of advantages offered to foreigners. Right now, 6countries are competing for your attention and offering tremendous perks, discounts, and special benefits for foreigners…

2. All The Ways To Stay—A Residency Primer. This A-to-Z guide will tell you everything you need to know to begin thinking about visas, residency, and the various ways to qualify and apply for them…

3. The 29 Best Places In The World To Obtain Residency And Second Citizenship. This is the most complete guide available on foreign residency status and second citizenship, those legal blessings that allow you to live the life of your dreams, for as long as you like, in the world’s top 29 overseas havens right now, the countries that we believe offer the best expat living anywhere…

4. In The World’s Easiest Residency Options Compared we highlight the world’s various options for the easiest visas to obtain… the visas with the least hassles… the cheapest to qualify for… the residencies that don’t require you stay in the country… your best options in Europe, Asia, and the Americas… and the only program in the world that grants residency based on simply renting an apartment…

5. Is your goal to gain residency in the EU? Then you need to read Your Golden Ticket: Europe’s Golden Visa Options—Which Is Right For You? This report offers a menu of all of Europe’s best options so you can compare and contrast to find the perfect visa for you…

6. Or maybe Asia is more up your alley? Living Full-Time In Southeast Asia If you’ve got a lump sum to bring to a country or if you earn a steady income each month, then investment residency might be your best option… Only some countries in this region have established programs, and some make it easier than others. More than any other region in the world, Southeast Asia residencies can be convoluted. This report makes all the best options crystal clear and easy to process…

7. Got A Grandparent? Get A Passport—9 Countries That Offer Citizenship Through Ancestry. If you have a grandparent of European descent, there’s a good chance you could qualify for an easy second passport. This is your complete guide to where and how to claim the second citizenship you may be due thanks to your family ancestry…

8. The next component of your Passport To Freedom Program is How To Get A Second Passport In 183 Days. There are 6 countries in the world right now where you can buy your way to a second passport. This all-new report details the world’s best viable and legitimate citizenship-through-investment programs on offer today…

9. The next report in your Passport To Freedom Program is What You Need To Know About Black And Gray Market Passports. Any second passport that sounds too good to be true likely is. This insider report shows you how to make sure you don’t make a mistake in your efforts to obtain a second passport…

10. Have an old pot conviction on your record from college? Wondering if some other run-in with the law might prevent you from your overseas dreams? Or maybe you’re just looking for the fastest residency route you can find. If so, then you need to read: Speed Up Your Residency By Skipping The Background Check—Top 5 Countries Where You Can Do Just That

11. The cheapest way to obtain residency is by doing it for yourself—cutting out the lawyers and other middlemen. If you think you’d like to go this alone, then we’ve laid out the road map for you in DIY Your Visa—How To Handle Residency Without A Lawyer

12. Whether you go it alone or hire an attorney for help, you’ll need at least to hunt down all your documentation yourself… prepare yourself with Documenting Your Journey—Everything You Need To Begin Your Residency Process

13. A special report called How The Pandemic Changed The Game For The Residency And Citizenship-By-Investment Marketplace. Even before the pandemic, residency and second citizenship were a moving target. The global crisis has upended many residency processes… it’s also unearthed some new opportunities

“The Time To Take Action Is Now”

“It is time for us all to think about diversifying out of the States, before it consumes us. Keep doing what you’re doing… you are saving lives in the U.S. (well, at least one for sure). Thank you.”

Ray S., United States

Plan B Crisis Kit Upgrade Now Available

The Passport to Freedom Program that I’ve described above is your ticket to finding independence by having options on where you can spend time…

It’s about sidestepping travel bans and having the ability to make a move—either part-time or full-time—to a place that’s nicer, safer, and cheaper.

But 2020 was an extraordinary year.

These days you need more than freedom, safety, and independence…

With governments coming dangerously close to insolvency, and Wall Street poised to pop any day, an ironclad getaway plan may not be enough…

That is, you’re going to want a way to build and protect your wealth, too.

What’s The Most Valuable Stuff In Human History?

It’s not gold… or oil… or even food…

It’s real estate.

Property is the basis for civilization. It’s where you can base a city, raise a family, mine for gold, grow crops, breed animals…

Wars have been fought over real estate…

In addition, the National Bureau of Economic Research also recently published a study covering the last 150 years… here’s what they found:

The bottom line is that real estate boasts a better return…

But consider this: while you enjoy regular payments of cash flow from renting out your property, it’s also increasing in value all of the time.

In fact, real estate’s value can almost never go to zero—unlike stocks.

Plus, you can actually enjoy your properties when you’re not using it for cash flow.

And real estate overseas?

A piece of property in another country could be your second home, a vacation spot, your escape hatch, or your ultimate retirement plan.

Real estate overseas also brings diversification—of currency, of market, and of asset type….

Plus, the IRS doesn’t require you to report property abroad in your tax filings, though certain deductions are available if you do.

In short, the purchase of a piece of real estate overseas could bring you profits, privacy, and a tax break.

My expectation when investing in real estate is to double my money in three to five years.

If I’m looking for cash flow, I’m not buying anything unless I know it can give me returns of at least 5% net a year… and more typically 10% or more.

Regardless, here’s the big point I want you to understand today:

You don’t need to be rich to get started

I began my property investing career with just US$5,000.

Today, I’ve turned that modest sum into a multimillion-dollar property portfolio… one diversified across multiple continents, markets, industries, and currencies.

In other words, if Wall Street collapses tomorrow, I’ll be OK thanks to my overseas-property portfolio.

Even now, during a pandemic that has devasted the holiday rental industry, I’m still making money thanks to my investments in farming and other essential services.

Real estate abroad boasts privacy, tax savings, and profits— plus, it’s more affordable…

And even though my beach condo is empty right now, it’s still a hard asset that has the potential to increase in value over time…

Worst case? I can live in it and enjoy it myself whenever I want.

Bottom line, property overseas is an asset that every investor in the world must have in their portfolio.

The good news is that I run a service specifically designed to help Live and Invest Overseas readers profit from real estate overseas…

It’s called Global Property Advisor.

“Thanks to you, our cash flow investments have us covered!”

“Thanks for your guidance over the years. We have invested in Panama and Belize and are confident the cash flow from these investments will more than cover our cost of living.”

Andre L. United States

Part 1 Of Your Plan B Crisis Kit Upgrade:

Opportunities And Insights On
Making Money

Global Property Advisor is your key to starting a fortune-creating investment portfolio… or simply to find the home of your dreams abroad at a huge discount.

Both beginner and veteran investors are welcome to become Global Property Advisor members…

Each month we discuss property and investment fundamentals, and we walk our members through every detail of every investment, including the benefits and the risks, as well as the potential costs and profits.

Once a member, you’ll also get our very best property deals:

Including first access, discounts of up to US$15,000 off, 0% financing plans, and exclusive amenities such as free furniture packages, buyback options, and guaranteed returns…

Again: you don’t need to be rich to do this.

Last year alone Global Property Advisor identified 10 separate investments for its members, each with a cost of less than US$50,000. (In fact, members last year were able to invest in a turn-key property in Europe for only US$14,500…)


“It’s great to learn from someone who has done what we all want to do!”

“Lief does a great job and has a wealth of information. It’s great to learn from someone who has done what we all want to do and can pass along that information.”

Dean M., United States

Now You Have An Escape Plan And A Way To Make Money…
What Else Do You Need?

Well, a key to making money is making sure you’re not losing it…

And that’s where my “offshore” expertise really shines.

This method allowed us to make money during the 2000 Dotcom Crash and 2008 Financial Crisis…

I’ve worked for decades to increase my understanding asset protection…

The result? Not only has it helped make me money, it ended up saving me a fortune… two fortunes, actually…

You see, thanks to my offshore plan, I easily sidestepped two of the biggest wealth destroyers of our modern time…

The 2000 Dotcom Crash and the 2008 Financial Crisis.

You know as well as I do that each of those events devastated millions of retirement plans across the country… it forced a lot folks out of retirement… and many more out of their homes.

And I can tell you now, it’ll keep me from losing money during the next economic crisis.

Now, I understand that “going offshore” sounds like some cloak-and-dagger thing for most people. But everything I’ll show you is 100% legal.

Lief Simon is my real name, and the folks at the IRS know me—I was once an Enrolled Agent, and I routinely pester them with corrections.

So I won’t show you how to evade taxes… but I will show you how to avoid them according to the tax code and the current laws in place.

This is a strategy that thousands of my readers before you have already done…

And now you can do it, too:

  • Not only survive, but thrive and build wealth during the upcoming financial and political crises
  • Set up an iron-clad defense against future litigation, frivolous suits, or divorce actions
  • Drastically reduce your tax obligations or even live near tax-free
  • Learn how to avoid the biggest and costliest tax mistakes… we’ll also show you the IRS forms you need to know to stay compliant when diversifying offshore…
  • Discover the 5 easiest places to obtain offshore residency, often without having to even live there…
  • Get to know the world’s best havens for bank privacy and legal offshore structures…
  • Discover 3 ways to profit from the best international real estate opportunities
  • Learn the value of holding 3 different types of highly-valuable real assets offshore; these are stores of wealth that you do not need to report to the IRS
  • Learn the many benefits of incorporating and doing business offshore
  • Discover 6 easy ways to diversify safely outside the U.S. dollar and Wall Street to obtain a truly diversified portfolio (and never worry about a declining U.S. dollar again)…
  • Rediscover the true privacy that existed in the United States 50 years ago…

These are all things that have been learned by members of my offshore intelligence service called Simon Letter.

“The Essential Information We All Need In These Difficult Times”

“I wish to congratulate you for the quality of your reports. The plain, matter of fact, but essential and wise information we all need to take vital decisions, especially in these difficult times.”

Peter L., United States

Part 2 Of Your Plan B Crisis Kit Upgrade:

Cut Taxes, Protect Your Assets,
And Diversify

A Plan B is a must in today’s world.

Even better, you should have a plan for diversification, so you can actually prosper rather than merely survive.

Simon Letter is the way to guarantee that by helping you to:

Cut your tax burden dramatically… The truth is, in today’s world, living tax-free is nearly impossible. However, some taxes can be eliminated completely (including income tax), while strategies and opportunities exist for cutting other taxes nearly to zero. You can eliminate taxes for your heirs, as well, ensuring no team of lawyers anywhere is able to touch a single cent of your legacy…

Protect your nest egg… Most folks have the bulk of their wealth in the stock market, while others might have it in a property or a business. The key to preventing a total collapse of that wealth is real diversification… not only among asset classes, but among currencies and markets. It’s actually easier than you might think… and brings the double advantage of both security and greater profits…

Shield your business from litigation… More than 19 million lawsuits are filed in the United States each year. If you own a business or investment properties or if you practice a profession, you have one chance in three of being named in a lawsuit… every year. Set your finances up the right way and you can protect every penny you own, completely legally…

Grow your wealth and create cash flow… With the right advice and the right opportunities, you can grow your wealth safely and steadily. And I don’t mean with some common bank-friendly rate your neighbor’s retirement advisor is promising. In Simon Letter we’ve uncovered little-known investment opportunities at accessible price points… timeless strategies previously reserved only for wealthy family offices and the elite…

“Thank You For Your Sincere And Honest Approach!”

“The level of experience, knowledge, and competence is top-shelf. Primarily, I appreciated the sincere and honest approach, as well as the obvious desire to give complete, accurate, timely, and appropriate information.”

Andrew F., United States

Today’s Special Bundle Offer:

Get The Passport To Freedom Program
PLUS: The Plan B Crisis Kit Upgrade… 

At The Lowest Price I’ve Ever Offered

How much is the Passport To Freedom Program: The World’s Top Havens For Residency, Citizenship, And A Second Passport worth?

As I’ve laid out for you above, this is a critical resource…

If you were to try to find all of this information on your own, you’d have to commit to months or even years of research, plus a significant amount of travel and legal consultant fees…

Of course, that method doesn’t guarantee that the advice you’d receive is accurate or up-to-date.

Regardless, I want you to have this information. And I want you to use it.

So here’s the deal: I have priced the Passport To Freedom Program for much less than even the cost of a single meeting with an attorney.

Now, usually, that means you can get your own copy for US$149…

However, extraordinary times call for extraordinary offers…

So you can get the Passport To Freedom Program today for only US$79.

That’s a discount of nearly 80% off the bookstore price, and nearly 50% off the sales price I offered earlier this year.

However, you have an even better deal available today…

An option to enhance your Passport To Freedom Program with the Plan B Crisis Kit Upgrade.

This Upgrade includes a full year of service for the two intelligence services. that I run, Global Property Advisor and Simon Letter.

Global Property Advisor was on sale earlier this year for US$279, while Simon Letter was discounted to US$97…

279+97=376… so that must be the cost of this upgrade, right?

Not at all.

Again, we’re talking extraordinary offers…

The cheapest offer ever, in fact.

Specifically, you can get the Passport To Freedom Program

PLUS a full year of Global Property Advisor

PLUS a full year of Simon Letter

For only US$149 when you act now.

Yes… that’s 3 of our most popular and most important resources for the bookstore cost of the Passport To Freedom Program alone.

One last thing: the extreme nature of this offer means it is not long for this world…

Wait a single minute after that, and it’ll be too late…

Do not delay.

Lief Simon
Co-Founder, Live and Invest Overseas

P.S. This ain’t Wikipedia…

The Passport To Freedom Program isn’t a series of Wikipedia or glossary articles, as you’ll find in just about every other residency and citizenship “guide” out there…

All of which are written by editors with limited or no actual real-world experience doing the things they’re writing about.

No, this program has been created based on decades of boots-on-the-ground, personal experience, and real-world judgement.

With two decades spending time and conducting business in countries around the world, I can tell you that the “official” methods for obtaining foreign residency are often a fool’s errand

You don’t want to take the advice of an editor who has never come out from behind his desk long enough to actually go through the process of obtaining residency in a foreign country, or of going through the naturalization process to obtain a second passport.

You want the advice of people who’ve actually done it.

That’s what this program is all about; it tells you how things really work…

No-Questions-Asked, 100%
Money-Back Guarantee

You’ll Love It… Or It’s FREE

I’ve always appreciated high quality, so the anything-goes return policies of stores like L.L. Bean always appealed to me.

It was high quality service like theirs that inspired my wife and I when we came up with a similar guarantee for Live and Invest Overseas…

Like everything we publish, your satisfaction with both the Passport To Freedom Program and the Plan B Crisis Kit Upgrade is fully protected by an ironclad money-back guarantee…

If you’re disappointed in any way, I’ll refund 100% of your money

No questions asked…

Access to everything you’ve ordered is yours to keep forever, no matter what.