“As a young adult, I dreamed of a tropical paradise where the sun almost always shined, it never got cold, and I could swim in the ocean whenever I liked. I dreamed of breakfasting on fresh papaya and mango, or sipping mango lassies while feasting on curry at a beach-side restaurant. Now those dreams, and more, have come true… I live on Olango Island in the Philippines.” So begins the story of Philippines’ Correspondent Victoria Clair, an American expat who has lived on Cebu for three years and just recently moved to Olango Island, a 20-minute boat ride from Mactan and the bridge to Cebu.
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Olango Island, Philippines | Overseas Havens Report
Our Overseas Haven Report details daily life on the island from finding a rental to shopping, the importance of good food, and the joys of living a back-to-basics lifestyle about moving to and living on a Philippine island.
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