Santiago De Chile | Overseas Haven Report
If you’re looking to relocate abroad, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a city that provides more than Santiago de Chile. In this country, crime, corruption, and poverty are low, the government is stable, and the economy is the strongest in the region. Capital city Santiago is sophisticated, international, and cosmopolitan, offering First World living at a reasonable price. Its streets are clean, the water is potable, the internet is fast, the health care is great, public transit is easily accessible and efficient, and the city is safe.
Plus, Chile has four seasons and features incredibly diverse geography: the majestic Andes, the Atacama Desert, a stunning coastline, sparkling lakes, fertile farmland, and hardwood forests… all of it incredibly accessible. Santiago is only about one hour from the mountains, the beach, and the wine valleys—you can ski and surf in the same day!
Business, investment, and employment opportunities abound, and obtaining a visa, residency, or starting your own company can be done with ease. It’s hard to imagine a lifestyle that you can’t find in Chile… and no other capital city is as livable, enjoyable, and bursting with opportunities as Santiago.
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