Offshore and Investing
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Home Conference Kits, Offshore and Investing
2022 Wealth Building and Diversification Kit
Not too long ago, over two dozen of our top banking, legal, and investment contacts in the offshore world met for Offshore Wealth Summit. The information shared ranks among the most expert in the world, and included invaluable advice on banking, tax, residency, citizenship, asset-protection, international business, and offshore investing.
Now that the event is over, you can purchase the complete set of recordings from the event, our Wealth Building and Diversification Kit.
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing
6 Strategies For Bulletproofing Your Financial Future Report
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing6 Strategies For Bulletproofing Your Financial Future Report
6 Strategies For Bulletproofing Your Financial Future. This report could be sold separately for as much—or more—as I am charging for Simon Letter. You’ll learn exactly what you should do to ensure your financial future is solid—no matter what happens in the United States.
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing
6 Drop-Dead Simple Foreign Bank Account Destinations
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing6 Drop-Dead Simple Foreign Bank Account Destinations
6 Drop-Dead Simple Foreign Bank Account Destinations. Opening a bank account offshore is one of the first things you’ll want to do. In this report you’ll discover the 6 countries that are the simplest to open a bank account in. Even better, these 6 countries hold some advantage over other jurisdictions in the world.
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing
My 5 Favorite Offshore Jurisdictions
My 5 Favorite Offshore Jurisdictions. If you want to start diversifying your investments internationally (and you should), then the options can literally be overwhelming. If your only criteria is “not the United States,” then where do you start? In this report I’ll narrow it down to the 5 different countries that I like best—each for different reasons. I am confident that one of these 5 will suit your individual situation and goals.
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing, Retirement & Lifestyle
Who’s Packing? The Right To Bear Arms Overseas
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing, Retirement & LifestyleWho’s Packing? The Right To Bear Arms Overseas
Who’s Packing? A Primer On The Right To Bear Arms In Latin America And Europe… This comprehensive guide will tell you everything you need to know about weaponry and hunting across Lief Simon’s top-rated jurisdictions (and then some).
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing, Residency & Citizenship, Subscriptions
Simon Letter
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing, Residency & Citizenship, SubscriptionsSimon Letter
Over the last 20 years living and doing business around the world, Lief Simon has built a network of reliable and expert contacts he trusts– attorneys, bankers, tax consultants, and other advisors, both Stateside and in the jurisdictions where he spends time and money. These are the people who keep him up-to-date on important changes… as they happen. We know of no other reliable source where this kind of from-the-scene intelligence from the world’s top offshore havens is shared in real time by someone with real world, firsthand experience at all this. Simon Letter fills this gap.
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing
Technology For The Offshore World
2018 Tech Guide For The Offshore World… Our latest guide uncovers everything you need to know about cryptocurrencies. In addition, we’ll walk you through how to set up a virtual Plan B, how to manage the cloud securely, how to thwart hackers, and even how to profit off all of these technologies…
Get Started, Offshore and Investing, Real Estate & Investing
Global Property Advisor 1 Year
Making money through investing in real estate doesn’t have to be difficult. The hardest part is finding the real opportunities!
If only there was a way for you to learn about all the best options available today without having to spend a boatload traveling the world searching, or risk being scammed from a third world property developer, and wouldn’t it be nice to have an expert on your side, one who can layer judgement and weight the pros and cons, risk and reward, and show you options that he himself has invested in…
It is not a pipedream… In every single issue of Global Property Advisor Lief doesn’t just you give a glimpse, he gives real, actionable opportunities and presents the best properties available, no matter what your goal may be.
Today you can join Lief Simon as he shares with you his extensive tips, knowledge, experiences, and the best current investment deals on offer across the globe. His new Global Property Advisor covers all the bases, including turnkey properties with little to no upkeep and maintenance, agricultural investments that will have you harvesting profits for decades, and even pre-construction deals for under $50K….
Get Started, Offshore and Investing, Residency & Citizenship, Retirement & Lifestyle
How To Get A Second Passport In 183 Days
Get Started, Offshore and Investing, Residency & Citizenship, Retirement & LifestyleHow To Get A Second Passport In 183 Days
How To Get A Second Passport In As Little As 183 Days. Imagine a financial collapse inside the United States—or some mass sickness or natural disaster. The United States could easily be locked down to those wanting to flee the country. But, if you happen to also be a citizen of a second country then they’ll let you leave—and you’ll have somewhere to go. Second citizenship is not that hard to do either—you’ll see how to do it in as little as 183 days inside this fast action special report.
Get Started, Offshore and Investing
International Banking 2020 | Banking Report
Here, we list more than a dozen different banks from a variety of jurisdictions around the world that are currently accepting new American clients. Our banking index is categorized based on banks’ minimum account balance requirements, ranging from US$0 to upwards of US$250,000.
We also include a special report on the current state of banking in Panama, the Hub of the Americas.
Why Panama, you ask?
For starters, the country boasts strong regulatory oversight that maintains the stability of the banking system, and banks tend to stay afloat during periods of economic turmoil. Favorable tax incentives and high certificate of deposit (CD) rates draw in a constant flow of cash from foreign individuals and entities. On top of that, there are several laws in place that help ensure the privacy of clients. Together these factors contribute to Panama’s appeal as an offshore banking haven.
Here, we list 10 banks operating in Panama (both domestic and foreign) that are currently accepting new American clients, including information on the requirements for opening accounts.
Get Started, Offshore and Investing, Residency & Citizenship
Passport to Freedom: The World’s Top Havens For Residency, Citizenship, And A Second Passport
Get Started, Offshore and Investing, Residency & CitizenshipPassport to Freedom: The World’s Top Havens For Residency, Citizenship, And A Second Passport
This series of reports is your roadmap to creating your new life in paradise. Our Passport to Freedom contains 14 invaluable reports that will help you on your way to realize your dream life overseas, detailing everything you need to know about establishing residency overseas.
Home Conference Kits, Offshore and Investing
2022 Recession Proof Your Retirement Program
Recession Proof Your Retirement Program… an on-demand package that gives you access to property bargains from around the world (including homes on the beach starting at US$57k)…In addition, this kit includes workshops on teaching you everything you need to know to vet, buy, manage, profit from, and sell property overseas. It’s all available for download or access online whenever and from wherever you want…
With the Recession Proof Your Retirement Program you’ll gain more knowledge about international real estate than you could learn on your own in years of research and months of international travel.
What’s more, we’ll show you how you to build real and solid wealth through a variety of current opportunities.
Discover them all in your Recession Proof Your Retirement Program
SKU: HCK-GPS-2022 -
Offshore and Investing
Taxman’s Guide For Americans Abroad Premium Edition (Includes Simon Letter Subscription)
Offshore and InvestingTaxman’s Guide For Americans Abroad Premium Edition (Includes Simon Letter Subscription)
Over the last 20 years living and doing business around the world, Lief Simon has built a network of reliable and expert contacts he trusts– attorneys, bankers, tax consultants, and other advisors, both Stateside and in the jurisdictions where he spends time and money. These are the people who keep him up-to-date on important changes… as they happen. We know of no other reliable source where this kind of from-the-scene intelligence from the world’s top offshore havens is shared in real time by someone with real world, firsthand experience at all this. Simon Letter fills this gap.
Residency & Citizenship, Get Started, Offshore and Investing
Speed Up Your Residency By Skipping The Background Check
Residency & Citizenship, Get Started, Offshore and InvestingSpeed Up Your Residency By Skipping The Background Check
Speed Up Your Residency By Skipping The Background Check: Top 5 Countries Where You Can Do Just That—Obtaining a background check can be the single longest step in some residency processes. If you’re in a hurry, give these countries a try…
Belize, Caribbean, Get Started, Offshore and Investing, Panama, Retirement & Lifestyle
The Best Of Caribbean Kit
Belize, Caribbean, Get Started, Offshore and Investing, Panama, Retirement & LifestyleThe Best Of Caribbean Kit
It’s no secret that The Caribbean has one of the most breathtaking beaches in the world. The urban life of this gorgeous sub-oceanic region blends perfectly into the tranquility of insular community. The islands and coastlines along the western Atlantic Ocean are home to one of the most exciting cities, as they offer the vibrant flair of modern, cosmopolitan life, leisure amenities combined with a high level of culture.
If you’re looking for investment opportunities, or a memorable getaway… there’s no doubt that this one-of-a-kind kit has been made just for you. This comprehensive bundle goes in depth on everything you’ll want to know about this wonderful region…
We have condensed the Best Of The Caribbean into a special collection of valuable reports, that includes:
- Placencia, Belize
- Santo Domingo DR
- Cayo Belize
- Ambergris, Caye, Belize
- Bocas del Toro
- Northern Belize
*Limited Bonus Feature: - The of Panama’s Caribbean (Panama Special Report)
- Portobelo, Colon (Panama Special Report)
- Guna Yala (San Blas) (Panama Special Report)