Like many Live and Invest Overseas readers and contributors, you could go the teaching-English-online route to support yourself abroad. Given the high demand for English teachers in China, Russia, Japan, and other countries, it’s relatively easy for a native English speaker to get a job as a teacher online.
The most important step to get your content-creation business going is deciding what to write about. Back in the early days of blogging, it was possible to have a successful blog that covered a wide variety of subjects. But in today’s world, where there are an estimated 505 million blogs, countless content-marketing firms, and a legion of “influencers” on social media, it’s foolish to try to be a jack-of-all-trades.
The first step towards building your credibility as a professional writer is to create a website and a blog. You’ll have get yourself some hosting space, but don’t worry, hosting space is affordable, and the return on your investment of building a website will be huge.
Whether you love or hate social media, you can’t deny that it’s ubiquitous and powerful. In its most basic implementation, social media makes it easy to engage your audience and stay up to date with the newest developments in your writing niche.
Read more to find out which are the steps you should follow to not only make your first US$1,000, but also establish the foundations for a successful content-writing business.