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Venao, Tonosi, and Cambutal, Panama

In this Panama Special Report, we bring you the Pacific coastal towns of Venao, Tonosi, and Cambutal.

This is a natural paradise, a region of Panama that boasts some of the best deep-sea fishing in the world, plus surfing, snorkeling, and scuba diving. Around Coiba lies the largest coral reef on the Pacific side of the Americas.

If you like outdoor activities, then this is a region ripe with opportunity to get out and explore.

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This coast, from Las Tablas south to Cambutal, is well known and increasingly developed. This is a region of Panama that is just beginning to attract attention but that sits smack dab in the path of this country’s current progress. Panama has enjoyed growth and prosperity for the past 12 years and the country is poised for continued growth for years to come—especially, in the Azuero Coast.