Showing 21–40 of 267 results
Get Started, Retirement & Lifestyle
52 Days To Your New Life Overseas
Our new “52 Days To Your New Life Overseas” course will get you ready to launch your new life overseas in as few as 52 days. I’ll take you by the hand on Day 1, and we’ll lead you through to Day 52, when you’ll be standing on the doorstep of an adventure you right now can only imagine.
Get Started, Retirement & Lifestyle
2023 Overseas Retirement Index
Where are the best places in the world for you to live better, reinvent yourself, and have a grand adventure in 2023? The Annual Overseas Retirement Index seeks to answer those questions…
The Index brings you a close-up and comprehensive look at the 10 Best Places in the World to Retire Overseas in 2023. We scouted the globe to identify these top destinations and then rated them on the criteria that are most important to retirees, including Health Care, Cost of Living, Cultural Amenities, and so on.
Settle in now to discover the World’s #1 Retirement Haven and more…
Get Started, Real Estate & Investing
Property Investment Index 2022-2023
An all-new research guide that rates and ranks our top property markets based across different categories and criteria. In it you’ll find a comprehensive overview of the markets we’ve identified as offering an abundance of real estate investment opportunity, rating and ranking each based on a list of criteria you should consider when making any property purchase overseas.
The destinations featured in this year’s Index all come with different risk levels, category by category…
Get Started, Overseas Haven Reports, Retirement & Lifestyle
2021 Overseas Retirement Index Part II
For the overseas-minded, now may be the perfect time to act on your dreams of reinventing your life in a new country. Where have you been waiting to go, and what do you want to do once you get there? How do you take the first steps towards setting up life in a new place?
This special report is designed to bring you the answers to these questions. It’s Part II of your 2021 Retire Overseas Index, the end-of-year bumper issue that selected, ranked, and sorted our top picks for retirement this year. Unlike Part I, which focused solely on the destinations and their rankings, Part II is all about the practical considerations of making any international move a success (as well as the less serious and fun considerations—the things that pertain to actually enjoying life in a new country).
The contents of this report are sorted into three main categories: “Know Before You Go,” featuring hard-won insights from Live and Invest Overseas’ top contributors; “But How Do I…,” bringing you answers to the top “how to” questions; and “The Best of the Rest,” where we present our shortlists for specific lifestyle choices that you may want to pursue.
Sit back in a comfortable chair, settle in, and let this report—Part II of your 2021 Retire Overseas Index—be your guide to finally making your dream of retiring overseas a reality…
Get Started, Panama Special Reports, Retirement & Lifestyle
10 Best Places To Retire In Panama
What we love about Panama is the sheer diversity of lifestyle options the country has to offer… from First-World city living to absolutely off-grid ruggedness, from rustic country living to upscale beach communities… this country has something to suit just about everyone…
Let’s take a tour, starting in the city and moving our way westward to Panama’s wild interior…
Get Started, Home Conference Kits, Retirement & Lifestyle
Where And How To Retire Overseas On-Demand Program
Get Started, Home Conference Kits, Retirement & LifestyleWhere And How To Retire Overseas On-Demand Program
The Live and Invest Overseas Home Conference Kit reveals the world’s 21 best budget destinations…places where you could enjoy a better quality of life…and on a budget of US$1,200 a month or less. From Old World living on the Continent…to an exotic new life in Asia…from the white-sand isles of the Caribbean to the sunny, welcoming, and super-affordable havens of the Americas…
In addition, with the help of expats with firsthand experience living, retired, investing, and doing business all across the globe, we’re revealing, over a series of seven special issue workshops, everything you need to know to make one of these 21 special places your home in as little as 12 months.
Get Started, Panama, Retirement & Lifestyle
2022-2023 Panama Letter Index
Interested in retiring to Panama? Want to know more about what Panama has to offer?
We scoured the country to identify Panama’s Top 10 Retirement Destinations For this new edition of the Panama Letter Index.
This Index is a comprehensive guide to the 10 places in Panama you should be looking at for retirement. We handpicked these places and then organized, graded, and ranked them using the criteria we think are most important to retirees, like Cost Of Living, Health Care, Ease Of Access, and more.
Panama offers a vast diversity of lifestyle options, from first-world city living to off-grid ruggedness, rustic country lifestyles to upscale beach communities. The Panama Letter Index is your roadmap to discovering that diversity and filtering the options according to what suits you best.
Settle in now to discover our top 10 picks for retirement in Panama.
Home Conference Kits
2022 Live And Invest In Latin America Home Conference Kit
You already know this region boasts warm weather and pristine beaches…
But Latin America is also flush with hundreds of years of history, art museums, world-class cuisine, modern skyscrapers, and even acclaimed vineyards…
All just a short drive or flight away.
Of course, it’s also available for far less than the cost of living you’d pay in the States or Europe.
In these countries, your dollar is a cost-of-living loophole.
The Live and Invest In Latin America Home Conference Kit reveals the top 10 havens in the region…places where you could enjoy a better quality of life…and on a budget of US$1,658 a month or less.
Home Conference Kits, Panama
2022 Panama Home Conference Kit
Our Panama Home Conference Kit is the most in-depth resource that you’ll find anywhere about living, retiring, investing, or doing business in Panama. This massive kit contains every presentation made during our recent Live and Invest in Panama Conference, including panels with some of the top experts and expats who have years of experience in the country.
Home Conference Kits, Offshore and Investing
2022 Wealth Building and Diversification Kit
Not too long ago, over two dozen of our top banking, legal, and investment contacts in the offshore world met for Offshore Wealth Summit. The information shared ranks among the most expert in the world, and included invaluable advice on banking, tax, residency, citizenship, asset-protection, international business, and offshore investing.
Now that the event is over, you can purchase the complete set of recordings from the event, our Wealth Building and Diversification Kit.
Get Started, Retirement & Lifestyle
44 Things You Must Know Before You Relocate, Retire, Or Invest Offshore
Get Started, Retirement & Lifestyle44 Things You Must Know Before You Relocate, Retire, Or Invest Offshore
The nuts-and-bolts support you need to live, retire, and invest overseas with confidence.
Before you take off for your new life in Paradise overseas, let us show you…
- The secret to cheap international health insurance…
- Your best options for shipping your personal belongings overseas…even how to ship your cat…
- The fast track to permanent residency in the world’s 6 top retirement havens…
- The many benefits of second citizenship…and how to obtain it legally…
- 6 things you must know before you open a foreign corporation…
- How to reduce your tax burden by 80% or more overseas…even how to live tax-free…
- How to meet people in your new country…even before you move…
- The easiest way to keep in touch with friends and family back home..
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing
6 Strategies For Bulletproofing Your Financial Future Report
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing6 Strategies For Bulletproofing Your Financial Future Report
6 Strategies For Bulletproofing Your Financial Future. This report could be sold separately for as much—or more—as I am charging for Simon Letter. You’ll learn exactly what you should do to ensure your financial future is solid—no matter what happens in the United States.
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing
6 Drop-Dead Simple Foreign Bank Account Destinations
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing6 Drop-Dead Simple Foreign Bank Account Destinations
6 Drop-Dead Simple Foreign Bank Account Destinations. Opening a bank account offshore is one of the first things you’ll want to do. In this report you’ll discover the 6 countries that are the simplest to open a bank account in. Even better, these 6 countries hold some advantage over other jurisdictions in the world.
Offshore & Taxes, Panama, Panama Special Reports, Real Estate & Investing
Banking In Panama – Where And How To Open Your Account
Offshore & Taxes, Panama, Panama Special Reports, Real Estate & InvestingBanking In Panama – Where And How To Open Your Account
Panama is Central America’s preeminent banking destination. Its thriving banking sector has fueled the growth of the country’s economy and attracted dozens of international banks from around the globe. Of the 75 banks currently operating in the country, 2 are state-owned, 47 have general licenses, and 26 have international licenses.
Why Panama, you ask?
For starters, the country boasts strong regulatory oversight that maintains the stability of the banking system, and banks tend to stay afloat during periods of economic turmoil. Favorable tax incentives and high certificate of deposit (CD) rates draw in a constant flow of cash from foreign individuals and entities. On top of that, there are several laws in place that help ensure the privacy of clients. Together these factors contribute to Panama’s appeal as an offshore banking haven.
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing
My 5 Favorite Offshore Jurisdictions
My 5 Favorite Offshore Jurisdictions. If you want to start diversifying your investments internationally (and you should), then the options can literally be overwhelming. If your only criteria is “not the United States,” then where do you start? In this report I’ll narrow it down to the 5 different countries that I like best—each for different reasons. I am confident that one of these 5 will suit your individual situation and goals.
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Panama Special Reports, Retirement & Lifestyle
The Definitive Guide To Taxes In Panama
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Panama Special Reports, Retirement & LifestyleThe Definitive Guide To Taxes In Panama
In this Panama Special Report, we cover the topic of doing taxes in Panama, including an exclusive on doing business in Panama and an entrepreneurs tax obligations.
Panama offers a variety of tax advantages to investors, entrepreneurs, and retirees–the problem is that most people don’t know what they are or how to apply them properly. In this special report, we drill down on all of your options, including they will affect your U.S. tax liability. If you are living, working, or doing business in Panama, this is a must read report.
Get Started, Italy, Overseas Haven Reports, Retirement & Lifestyle
Abruzzo, Italy | Overseas Haven Report
Get Started, Italy, Overseas Haven Reports, Retirement & LifestyleAbruzzo, Italy | Overseas Haven Report
In our Overseas Haven Report for Abruzzo, Italy we uncover the hidden-gem that will let you step back in time. No over-crowding, no heavy industry, just the best of Italian country life.
Life in Abruzzo hasn’t changed much over the centuries, and coming to Abruzzo is like wandering into a gentler, kinder yesterday…a yesterday with little or no crime and neighbors who watch out for each other.
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing, Retirement & Lifestyle
Who’s Packing? The Right To Bear Arms Overseas
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing, Retirement & LifestyleWho’s Packing? The Right To Bear Arms Overseas
Who’s Packing? A Primer On The Right To Bear Arms In Latin America And Europe… This comprehensive guide will tell you everything you need to know about weaponry and hunting across Lief Simon’s top-rated jurisdictions (and then some).
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing, Residency & Citizenship, Subscriptions
Simon Letter
Get Started, Offshore & Taxes, Offshore and Investing, Residency & Citizenship, SubscriptionsSimon Letter
Over the last 20 years living and doing business around the world, Lief Simon has built a network of reliable and expert contacts he trusts– attorneys, bankers, tax consultants, and other advisors, both Stateside and in the jurisdictions where he spends time and money. These are the people who keep him up-to-date on important changes… as they happen. We know of no other reliable source where this kind of from-the-scene intelligence from the world’s top offshore havens is shared in real time by someone with real world, firsthand experience at all this. Simon Letter fills this gap.
Offshore & Taxes, Panama Special Reports, Real Estate & Investing
Starting A Restaurant Business In Panama
Offshore & Taxes, Panama Special Reports, Real Estate & InvestingStarting A Restaurant Business In Panama
From its inception, the Isthmus of Panama has attracted merchants the world over, all eager to turn a profit in this land of opportunity. Like immigrants everywhere, they brought their cultures and customs along with them, and nowhere has this been more apparent than in Panama’s dynamic and ever-evolving food-biz landscape.
It’s been over a century since the Panama Canal opened its locks to world commerce. In that time, waves of arrivals have contributed to the melting pot of cuisines we see in the country today, from Chinese chow mein to Jamaican jerk and some of the best pizza you’ll find outside of Italy. In the last decade, give or take a few years, Panama City has morphed into a must-experience foodie destination for gourmands of all stripes, with street food and fine-dining options to tempt the most demanding palates.
In this special report, we explore the country’s landscape through its food, seeing it through the eyes of the restaurateurs who are bringing the flavors of the world to our doorstep. We’ll check out good eats from Panama City out to the beaches and up to the mountain towns… and take a peek behind the kitchen doors of those intrepid entrepreneurs—some expat, others local—with the business chops to make their living one plate (or coffee cup) at a time.