Like Medellín was 10 or more years ago—before all the positive press brought so many foreigners to the one-time drug capital of the country—Pereira is located in the mountains at about 5,000 feet with pleasant year-round climates. But, the cost of real estate in Pereira is typically at least 20% to 25% cheaper than in Medellín.
The city’s water is drinkable, and it boasts well-maintained roads, dependable phone service, electricity, and high-speed Internet. You’ll find many shopping options, from mom-and-pop stores to upscale boutiques… as well as several large, modern shopping malls.
Pereira has a fairly small but growing expat community… but it’s much smaller than those found in larger cities like Bogotá and Medellín. Notably, full-time Pereira expats frequently cited the lack of expats as being the very thing that attracted them to and kept them in the city. They came here to get away from fellow foreigners, they don’t want Pereira to become the next gringo hot spot…